All parents want their children to grow up happy and healthy, but sneaky marketing tactics by the e-cigarette industry are seeing more young Australians becoming addicted to vaping.

Australian communities are being inundated with these highly addictive and toxic products, at the expense of our young people’s physical and mental health.

With flavours like “fruit loops” and colourful packaging that resembles pens, highlighters and make-up, there’s little doubt that the underlying ploy of the e-cigarette industry is to lure young people, particularly girls, from an early age.

Brightly coloured packaging and flavours are used to attract young people to vaping.(Getty Images: AFP)

Alarmingly, young people who vape say they feel a sense of dependence or addiction to the chemicals in e-cigarettes, and there’s emerging evidence of increased cancer risk and damage to the heart and brain tissue. We’ve even seen examples of the device’s batteries exploding in the mouths of young users.

It’s not an option for parents to sit back and wait for governments to take action though, so what can we do to help our young people navigate this rapidly spreading health threat?

What is a vape, or e-cigarette?

E-cigarettes, also known more commonly as “vapes”, are battery-operated devices that usually work by heating a sticky liquid until it becomes an aerosol – turning a viscous gel into a plume of tiny particles.

The manufacturers of e-cigarettes call them “vapes” because they want people to think they’re breathing in vapour, but the reality is that “plume” of smoke from someone using an e-cigarette is actually an aerosol full of toxic chemicals.

As a result, breathing in the aerosols from e-cigarettes lodges toxic particles deep in the lungs, increasing the risk and severity of respiratory conditions like asthma.

What’s inside an e-cigarette?

All e-cigarette users are exposed to chemicals that have the potential to cause harm.

More than 200 chemicals have been associated with the liquids inside vapes, including chemicals commonly found in nail polish remover and weed killer.

One very concerning ingredient is nicotine. Most e-cigarettes contain this highly addictive drug, even if they have been labelled “nicotine free”.

Teens and young adults are especially vulnerable to nicotine addiction as their brains are still developing until the age of 25.

Nicotine is known to harm adolescent brain development, and can impact memory and concentration.

Young people can also experience high levels of stress and anxiety associated with their dependence on e-cigarettes.

Many say stopping vaping is challenging, because they can buy them everywhere and many of their friends are doing it.

The dangers of vaping

Our lungs rely on us breathing in clean, fresh air that powers our bodies and brains.

E-cigarettes deliver a potent mix of chemicals deep into our delicate lung tissue – causing inflammation, worsening common conditions like asthma, and possibly increasing the risk of significant, long-term disease.

There are no quality or safety standards for e-cigarettes, meaning the vaping industry is manufacturing these products without any regulations on their contents and labelling.

Many of the chemicals found in e-cigarettes are highly corrosive and don’t belong in our lungs — like acetone, which is commonly found in paint thinner and pesticides.

Other substances found in e-cigarettes include formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein, which are known to cause cancer. Some of the chemicals in e-cigarette aerosols can also cause DNA damage.

The liquids inside vapes can poison children and adults through swallowing or skin contact. Symptoms of nicotine poisoning include sweating, dizziness, vomiting and increased heart rate.

What attracts young people to vaping?

The vaping industry designs e-cigarettes to appeal specifically to young people, with sweet flavours such as chocolate milk, fruit loops and strawberry kisses wrapped in brightly coloured packaging.

In Australia, it is illegal to sell e-cigarettes to anyone under 18 and e-cigarettes containing nicotine are only meant to be sold to adults with a prescription from their doctor. These restrictions are not being enforced in Australia.

Social media is being used extensively by tobacco and e-cigarette companies to market and sell e-cigarettes to teens and young adults.

Vape challenges promoted on social media platforms, like TikTok and YouTube, are often sponsored by tobacco and e-cigarette companies.

These companies are using every trick in the book to hook a new generation of Australians on toxic nicotine products.

Sadly, governments in Australia have done very little to enforce existing regulations or to close the loopholes that these companies use to promote and sell their products.

How do I talk to my kids about vaping?

When it comes to talking to children, approach the conversation calmly, and ask questions. Try not to lecture or judge.

If your child may have tried vaping, please don’t feel judged.

Conversations you might already be having with your teenager about alcohol, smoking and drugs should also include vaping. It’s never too early to discuss this with them.

Quit Victoria, The Royal Children’s Hospital and The Raising Children Network also have a range of resources available online to help young people better understand the risks. These resources are available at

It might also help to get support and share advice with other parents of teenagers.

Call Quitline (13 7848) for free advice. Quitline counsellors can answer any questions you may have about e-cigarettes and can help you think of ways to approach the conversation.

If your teenager or young person wants help to quit vaping, they can have a confidential, live chat with a Quitline counsellor at

Sandro Demaio is a globally renowned public health expert and medical doctor who is the CEO of VicHealth.

He writes for ABC Health and ABC Everyday, co-hosted ABC TV show Ask the Doctor and also appeared on Magda’s Big National Health Check.