Eileen Clark, who has autism and dyslexia, was selectively mute at her two previous schools.

Key points:

  • Every public primary school in SA will soon have a dedicated teacher onsite to support those with autism
  • It’s part of the state government’s $28 million election commitment to better support children with autism
  • SA appointed the country’s first Assistant Minister for Autism earlier this week

It was not until the year 4 student moved to Christie Downs Primary School, in Adelaide’s south, that she felt comfortable enough to speak again.

Eileen’s mother Sian Clark said it had been distressing to see her daughter struggling.

“She was so stressed at school that she would shut down completely,” Ms Clark said.

“It was so upsetting to see this beautiful, artistic, gorgeous child that I know and she was not able to express that at school.”

Christie Downs Primary School has many students with additional needs who have thrived because of the school’s inclusive environment.

Year 4 student Eileen Clark has thrived at Christie Downs Primary School.(Supplied)

The state government wants more public schools to transition to this form of inclusive learning.

South Australian teachers will have access to a new set of guidelines to help educators teach children with additional needs, particularly those with autism.

Many states and territories in Australia already have guidelines for teachers, but South Australia is going one step further.

By the start of next year, every public primary school will have a dedicated teacher onsite to support those with autism.

The moves form part of a $28 million election commitment to better support children with autism.

Eileen Clark with her mother Sian.(Supplied)

This week, Emily Bourke became the first person in the country to be appointed an Assistant Minister for Autism.

“I hope that other states look to us and think, ‘wow this is an incredible difference that we are making’, because everyone deserves to be able to reach their individual potential,” Ms Bourke said.

“These additional resources are so important to ensure we build knowledge and capacity within schools, so that we can create lasting cultural change.”

Students ‘lift each other up’

Education Minister Blair Boyer said the specific funding will give children with additional needs the best chance to learn.

“One-in-four learners in all South Australian preschools and schools require additional adjustments to participate in education on the same level as their peers,” he said.

Teacher Alex McGrath in her Christie Downs Primary classroom.(ABC News: Sarah Mullins)

In the year 2 and 3 class at Christie Downs Primary, 11 of the 18 children have additional needs.

Teacher Alex McGrath said she has seen great outcomes from her students with additional training, support and resources.

“The more training you can get, the better informed you can be to then try different approaches with the children and see where they are at,” she said.

“I think it’s amazing to bring all of the differences that we have together and we have got such a harmonious class and the children all support each other, they lift each other up.

“Once they feel like they have a place to belong, they really do shine and it’s wonderful.”