Police have dropped charges against a former director of NDIS provider Integrity Care for threatening a key witness in an investigation into the death of Adelaide woman Ann Marie Smith.

Key points:

  • Philip Greenland was a director of the company that was in charge of looking after manslaughter victim Ann Marie Smith
  • He was charged with intimidating a witness connected with an investigation into the case
  • Police are still proceeding with an aggravated assault charge against Mr Greenland after he allegedly spat in the witness’s face

Prosecutors in the Adelaide Magistrates Court formally withdrew the charge against Philip John Greenland, saying they would no longer pursue the allegation.

Police are still proceeding with an aggravated assault charge against the 57-year-old Huntfield Heights man after he allegedly spat in the witness’s face at a service station last year.

Ms Smith died in April 2020 from severe septic shock, malnutrition, multiple organ failure and other complications from her cerebral palsy while she was in full-time care.

Police believe she was confined to a cane chair inside her Kensington Park home for 24 hours a day in the year leading up to her death.

Ann Marie Smith with her two dogs in 2012.(Supplied: SA Police )

The 54-year-old lived alone and relied on an Integrity Care support worker for all of her needs.

That carer, Rosa Maria Maione, is now behind bars, after she pleaded guilty in July last year to Ms Smith’s manslaughter.

Maione’s former employer, Integrity Care SA, was fined more than $12,000 by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission for failing to report Ms Smith’s death.

The Quality and Safeguards Commission is also taking separate civil action against the company.

Mr Greenland’s matter will be referred to the Christies Beach Magistrates Court in July.
