Australia’s gambling industry is in the midst of a reckoning.

Money laundering. Financial fraud. Criminal infiltration.

Mounting evidence against casino giant Crown, then rival The Star, and now pokies in pubs and clubs has raised uncomfortable questions about the potential flow of tainted money into political coffers just as the federal election battle reaches fever pitch.

“There’s a stench in the industry,” says Graeme Orr, professor of law at the University of Queensland.

Organisations and individuals linked to the gambling industry have poured at least $18 million in political donations into the states and territories in recent years, an ABC investigation can reveal. This is compared with $50 million disclosed at the Commonwealth level in the decade to 2019-20.

More than three-quarters of the $18 million flowed to the ALP and its investment vehicle, the 1973 Foundation Pty Ltd.

The investigation is the first to analyse gambling-related donations data across all seven state and territory electoral commission registers. (Tasmania, which uses the federal disclosure system, has been covered in previous stories.)

The donations span a decade in NSW, WA and the ACT, and between two and six years in the remaining jurisdictions, which is as far back as digital records are available.

New South Wales

January 2011 to June 2021

In NSW, gambling-related organisations have donated more than a million dollars in the decade since the state banned political donations from the gambling industry.

Registered clubs were among the most generous donors, despite operating some 65,000 electronic gaming machines and generating two-thirds of the state’s gaming machine profits. An exemption in the ban for non-profit groups makes these donations lawful.

Despite this exemption, the effect of the ban in NSW — the only state that prohibits gambling industry donations — is clear.


January 2011 to June 2021

In Queensland, for example, gambling-related groups donated more than twice as much — some $2.5 million — in roughly half the time.

The story is similar for pubs and hotels, which operate about 22,000 poker machines in NSW and 21,000 in Queensland.

This industry donated roughly $373,000 in six years to Queensland political parties, compared with $14,100 over a decade in NSW.

South Australia

July 2015 to December 2020

But the power of the hotels lobby is perhaps starkest in South Australia, where hotels account for 93 per cent of pokies licences.

This industry donated nearly $398,000 to SA political parties in the six years to December 2020, or 90 per cent of the state’s gambling industry donations.


2010-11 to 2019-20

But nowhere in Australia is the flow of gambling losses to political parties more extreme than in the ACT.

In the decade to June 2020, gambling-related groups poured some $6.5 million into party coffers.

Of this, over $6.27 million was donated to the ALP from gambling-related groups owned by the Labor Party itself.

A further $6.48 million was transferred between ALP-owned associated entities.

“Associated entity” means any organisation controlled by or acting for the benefit of a political party.

It is not illegal to donate to political parties nor to finance a political campaign, as long as the transactions are made and reported in accordance with Australia’s donations laws.

Nonetheless, it gives rise to a dangerous quid pro quo based on access and relationships, though this is rarely explicit.

“Political power is bought by donations,” says Charles Livingstone, a gambling researcher and associate professor at Monash University.

“It’s an institutionalised system of corruption, which is perfectly legal, but which clearly brings the entire system into contempt.”

While the states and territories are credited with having stronger disclosure laws than the Commonwealth, tracing the flow of gambling dollars at this level remains a messy affair.

Donations laws — such as who can donate and how much, the threshold for reporting a donation, and how quickly donations must be reported and the data published — vary between jurisdictions.

Payments may include gifts of money, donations “in kind” (such as free use of facilities), and other receipts, such as subscription fees, which also generate income for a party. Some payments may be declared at both the state/territory and Commonwealth level, although the overlap is often unclear. 

The picture is also muddied by fund transferred to and from party-affiliated fundraising bodies and investment companies, or between branches of a political party.

On top of that, disclosure thresholds of between $1,000 and $5,576 means “dark money”, where the source remains hidden, continues to flow at the state/territory level (albeit in far smaller sums than at the federal level).

“It’s an incomplete record but still we’re looking at an awful lot of money washing around the system,” Livingstone says.

“And I suspect a lot of this is a bit under the radar because no one’s bothered to put it together until now.”

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New South Wales

January 2011 to June 2021

At least 40 organisations with links to gambling have donated a combined $1,006,220 to NSW political groups in the past decade. The payments were made after the ban on donations from the gambling industry came into effect on January 1, 2011.

The ban is widely understood as prohibiting donations from the gambling and alcohol industries. However, it only applies to donations from gambling and liquor businesses that operate for profit, their close associates, and industry groups representing these businesses.

“NSW remains the most gambling-captured state, with the highest losses per capita … and not-for-profits are a huge part of the industry,” says gambling reform activist and business journalist Stephen Mayne.

Three-quarters of the money went to NSW Labor, which was in government when the laws were passed. Just under 18 per cent went to NSW Liberals and just over 3 per cent went to NSW Nationals.

The most generous donor, disclosing $518,729 in donations, was United Voice, the union representing casino, hotel, pub and club workers.

With 150,000 members, it is the largest blue-collar union in the country, representing a wide range of industries including childcare, aged care, health, logistics, cleaning and security.

“They want to maintain their influence and their revenue base, i.e. members’ fees, is key to that,” Livingstone says.

“They certainly have industrial disputes with the casinos and other gambling industry interests, but they want them to be profitable to provide better wages and conditions for their members.”

On the other hand, Mayne says he is not convinced unions are comparable to pubs and clubs because numerous unions donate to Labor and many United Workers members work outside the gambling industry.

But he points out: “Saving jobs is actually the strongest argument in favour of the gambling industry because there are many thousands of them in pubs and clubs that would be lost but for the pokies.”

In 2012, the NSW branch of United Voice struck a deal with Crown, abandoning its opposition to smoking in the Sydney casino’s high-roller gambling rooms and becoming a Crown Sydney Hotel Resort project partner. Its predecessor, the Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union, was on the Ministerial Advisory Group on gambling reform in 2010-11.

More than $418,500 came from clubs, including $110,560 from ClubsNSW, the peak industry group representing 1,200 member clubs.

Pubs and clubs are the latest industry player to come under pressure, with the NSW Crime Commission launching a secret probe in April into money laundering through pokies in pubs and clubs — estimated at more than $1 billion nationwide

Clubs “masquerade as community groups” and boast “vast numbers of councillors and politicians” among their members, according to Mayne.

They are considered not-for-profit, yet generate about two-thirds of gaming machine profit in NSW. This was worth nearly $5.4 billion (after tax) in 2021, including $3.2 billion for clubs alone, despite COVID restrictions.

The state government reaped $608 million in tax revenue from clubs.

“[Clubs] are raking in literally billions of dollars a year … There’s no earthly reason why they shouldn’t be prohibited from donating,” Livingstone says.

“They have enormously powerful vested interests to protect and the donations they’re allowed to make mean they have an incredible influence on the system.”

In an email statement, a ClubsNSW spokesperson told the ABC that all political donations made by ClubsNSW are “declared, made transparent through the relevant authorities and comply with the law.

“Politicians and political parties which support not-for-profit clubs deserve to be supported.”

The gambling industry is well known for targeting specific campaigns and candidates as part of its donations strategy — most infamously during its 2011-12 campaign against the pokies reforms proposed by then-Prime Minister Julia Gillard and independent MP Andrew Wilkie.

The NSW disclosures mention more than 80 MPs and candidates in connection with $162,000 in donations, including:

  • federal Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese
  • NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet
  • former NSW premiers Gladys Berejiklian, Mike Baird and Barry O’Farrell
  • former prime ministers Tony Abbott, Julia Gillard and Malcolm Turnbull

Former NSW Labor leader Michael Daley is named in disclosures totalling more than $20,000. This is twice the value of donations naming Malcolm Turnbull, who is ranked second with a single $10,000 donation from Len Ainsworth. Ainsworth founded the world’s second-largest pokies manufacturer Aristocrat Leisure and gaming company Ainsworth Gaming Technology.


2010-11 to 2019-20

More than $12.5 million of the nearly $13 million gambling groups donated in the ACT in the decade to June 2020 went to the ALP and its associated entities. Almost all came from the ALP-owned Canberra Labor Club group and ALP investment vehicle 1973 Foundation Pty Ltd.

The Canberra Labor Club group operates more than 400 gaming machines. It was set up by ACT Labor to support the party and its articles of association require any profits to be paid to the branch. In 2019-20 it generated just under $10 million in net gaming machine revenue (excluding tax and player winnings).

The Canberra Labor Club group channels funds through the 1973 Foundation, set up to generate property investment income for the Labor Party while putting distance between the party and club group, according to the Canberra Times. The figures include payments disclosed by both entities, as well as Labor (ACT). It is impossible to tell from the disclosures if the same funds are being transferred between the three groups.

“The Labor Party has tens of millions of dollars of equity tied up in being part of the clubs industry themselves,” Mayne says.

“This is unique in the world. No other major political party operates mini suburban casinos to help fund their operations and cocoon their asset base.”

The Randwick Labor Club in Sydney, which operates more than 80 pokies machines and was the third-largest donor to NSW parties, is also owned by the ALP.

The party’s ties to the gambling industry go back a long way, according to Mayne. Under Labor governments, NSW became one of the world’s first jurisdictions to legalise poker machines (1956), Australia opened its first legal casino (Wrest Point Casino in 1973), and pokies machines were introduced to Victoria and Queensland (1992), and expanded to NSW hotels (1997).

The ALP’s direct investment in the gambling industry represents “a massive conflict of interest” that has given ACT clubs a near-monopoly on pokies, unparalleled in Australia, Mayne says.

A roll call of the ACT’s biggest players shows how closely gambling is entwined with power in Australia, he says. The largest pokies operators in the ACT are the Southern Cross Club, set up by the Catholic church in the 1970s, the Canberra Tradesmen’s Union Club, established in the 1960s by the construction and mining union that would become the CFMMEU, and the ALP’s Canberra Labor Club.

Workers clubs and Catholic clubs also operate dozens of gaming machines across NSW.

“It just shows how ingrained it is into the fabric of Australia,” Mayne says.

“If the churches and the unions and the political parties are into it, what hope is there?”

Western Australia

2010-11 to 2019-20

Gambling interests contributed $1.22 million in political donations to WA parties in the decade to 2019-20.

Complete digital records are not available for annual returns lodged in WA so the ABC manually compiled this data from PDF files published on the Western Australian Electoral Commission website.

WA is the only jurisdiction where gambling donations to the Liberals outweighed those to Labor.

It is also the only jurisdiction that does not allow electronic gaming machines outside of casinos. As a result, clubs and hotels hold far less sway in WA than in other states, leaving casinos and the supermarket giants to dominate the donations landscape.

Both Woolworths — Australia’s largest pokies operator at the time of the donations, before its exit from the gambling market last year — and Soft Star, which owns and operates the mothballed Christmas Island casino resort, donated exclusively to the Liberals.

Soft Star’s donations were made around the same time a parliamentary inquiry was considering policies for developing parts of northern Australia spanning WA, the NT and Queensland.

The inquiry’s final report, delivered in 2014, recommended the Australian Government commit to facilitating the reopening of the Christmas Island casino, although the debate is ongoing.

However, WA’s largest donor by far was Crown. Nearly 90 per cent of the $830,343 Crown disclosed across all state and territory registers was pumped into WA. Roughly 60 per cent went to the Liberals and just over 40 per cent to Labor.

Across the country, gambling regulators are under-powered, under-resourced and “under a great deal of pressure” to look the other way, Livingstone says.

“Regulators know perfectly well, the messages from their political masters are loud and clear that you’re not to offend the gambling operators.”

In March 2021, as it prepared to face dual royal commissions into its Melbourne and Perth casinos, Crown Resorts announced that it would immediately stop making political donations.


January 2011 to June 2021

Gambling-related groups donated just over $2.5 million in Queensland in the five years to December 2020. (The earliest available disclosures from the Queensland electoral commission are from 2014-15.)

The ALP received 72 per cent of donations, the LNP received 20 per cent, while other minor parties and independents received less than 5 per cent each.

United Voice was the most generous donor, forking out $1.57 million to Queensland Labor and the Queensland Council of Unions.

Hotels and pubs, which operate some 21,230 pokies machines across 360 sites, were the second-biggest donor industry, giving just over $373,000. Gambling businesses donated $331,338.

Among the largest lump sum payments is a $20,000 donation from the NSW branch of the Australian Hotels Association to One Nation’s Queensland branch in February 2019.

The contribution came just one month ahead of the NSW state election. Party records at the time showed One Nation’s NSW election campaign was chiefly funded by loans from its Queensland branch, sparking concerns the arrangement was being used to bypass NSW’s stricter donations laws.

Then lord mayor of Brisbane Graham Quirk was identified in $16,000 worth of donations. This was almost three times as much as former One Nation Queensland leader Steven Dickson, ranked second, and then-NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian.

South Australia

July 2015 to December 2020

Gambling-related groups donated $446,019 in South Australia between July 2015 and December 2020, the period for which digital records were available.

The lion’s share, $397,559 came from the Australian Hotels Association, and the remainder from gambling giants Skycity Entertainment and Tatts Group (now merged with Tabcorp).

Nearly half of the total went to the ALP, while just under 43 per cent went to the Liberals.

“South Australia is the most hotel-dominant state when it comes to pokies,” Mayne says.

More than 15,200 of the 16,400 gaming machines approved in SA (about 93 per cent) are in pubs and hotels. This compares to roughly 25 per cent in NSW and 20 per cent in Victoria.

The hotels industry campaigned fiercely against former senator for SA Nick Xenophon and his SA Best party in the lead-up to the March 2018 election.

The Australian Hotels Association tipped more than $181,000 into the war chests of his rivals, including $75,630 to Labor, $71,937 to the Liberals, $28,600 to the Australian Conservatives and $5,000 to Advance SA.

The AHA SA also backed significant online advertising, including the No Way Nick website, which attacked “Mr X’s gaming madness”.

The AHA did not respond to requests for comment.

Northern Territory

2014-15 to 2019-20

Gambling-related groups have donated $276,270 in the Northern Territory since 2014-15, the earliest year digitised disclosures are available.

Online gambling businesses Beteasy, Bet365, Sportsbet and Sportingbet, together with peak body Responsible Wagering Australia, donated more than $46,500 (or 22 per cent of the total), exclusively to Labor.

In the NT, the gambling tax rate for online bookmakers is capped at $500,000, which results in far lower effective tax rates than in other jurisdictions. These tax breaks do not apply to other types of gambling operations, such as pokies.

“It’s a pittance compared to the money going through,” explains gambling researcher Matthew Stevens, from the NT’s Menzies School of Health Research.

“Plus, in other jurisdictions, bets are taxed at the point of sale. Not here. It’s just another break the gambling companies get here that they don’t get elsewhere.”

As a result, online bookmakers, largely foreign-owned, have proliferated. More than a dozen are now licensed in the Territory. Racing and sports betting in the NT (which are mostly online) increased 14-fold in the 15 years to 2014-15, according to an analysis co-authored by Stevens.

However, the NT’s share of tax revenue has failed to keep pace. A 2021 analysis by the Australian Gaming Council found gambling tax revenue in the NT came to 4 per cent of gambling expenditure in 2018-19, compared with more than 26 per cent nationally. 

“The Northern Territory is probably the greatest disgrace of them all,” Mayne says.

“The Northern Territory government gets some pitiful figure like $7 million a year in tax out of these foreign operators. They issue licences like confetti and they’ve done the whole thing on the basis that it might somehow create 200 or 300 jobs.”

However, despite the massive growth in online gambling in the NT, the biggest gambling-related donor in the Territory is prominent Darwin pub owner and businessman Mick Burns.

Burns, who was president of the NT branch of the Australian Hotels Association (NT) at the time of the donations, has previously told the ABC the money was personally donated.


December 2018 to June 2021

Victorian Electoral Commission disclosures are only available from late November 2018, when the state overhauled its donations and disclosure scheme. (Prior to the reforms, it relied on the Commonwealth disclosure scheme.)

Only two gambling-related groups donated a combined total of $3,200, according to VEC returns.

However, an ABC analysis of federal disclosure data covering 22 years to 2019-20 shows gambling-related groups donated more than $9.36 million to Victorian political parties and associated entities over this period.

This includes a record $1.82 million in 2018-19, which spanned a state election. This plummeted to just $166,900 in 2019-20, after the laws were tightened.

Before the reforms, organisations holding gambling licences were prohibited from making donations of more than $50,000 in a financial year.

This was repealed and replaced with stricter rules across the board. Victoria imposed an annual disclosure threshold of $1,000 and a donation cap of $4,000 per election period (both indexed), among other limits.

Unlike states such as NSW and Queensland however, Victoria does not impose limits on political expenditure.

University of Queensland’s Professor Orr said limiting both donations and party expenditure for all groups was a more effective way to regulate political finance than banning donations from specific industries.

“Why are we singling out a particular industry … rather than looking holistically at the ecosystem?” he said.

“If we want integrity, if we want some level of political equality, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to have no expenditure limits or donation limits, but just be picking on certain industries.”

However, campaigners have long argued that the risk is too great when it comes to sectors whose fortunes rely almost entirely on government regulatory decisions.

“If you’re regulating licensees, then it’s just fundamental corruption to tolerate any form of campaign finance donations from a licensed regulated entity,” Mayne says.

Neither the Liberal nor Labor Party responded to the ABC’s requests for comment.

This is the third and final part of an ABC investigation into political payments from the gambling industry. The first part uncovered over $80 million in political payments from more than 370 organisations and individuals with an interest in gambling. The second part examined the timing of political payments from the industry’s four biggest donors.


Reporting: Inga Ting

Research: Anna Freeland, Michael Workman

Development: Katia ShatobaNathanael Scott

Design: Alex Palmer

Notes about this story

  • This project was supported by $20,000 funding from the Google News Initiative as part of the Australian International Documentary Conference’s Raw Data, Real Stories data journalism pitching initiative.
  • This analysis includes entities judged to have a significant interest in gambling, even if this was not their sole or primary activity. For example, Woolworths is included because it was previously Australia’s largest operator of gaming machines, even though its main business operations are in supermarket food and retail.
  • In states that have not reconciled donor and party returns, this analysis has prioritised donor returns where available, as these generally included more detail than party returns.
  • Unless otherwise specified, donors with multiple branches (for example, state or territory divisions) have been grouped for the purpose of reporting total amounts contributed or received.
  • This analysis builds on work by the Greens’ Democracy For Sale project, which generously shared data with the ABC
  • Comparisons between states and territories should be made with caution as donation and disclosure laws vary between jurisdictions. A comparison of the laws in each jurisdiction is available from the Australian Parliamentary Library.

Posted , updated