Like many young queer people in regional South Australia, Levi Button has sometimes found it hard to express themself to friends and family.
But a new program in one Riverland town is helping Levi and other LGBTQIA+ youth find their voice, even if it means they aren’t speaking.
Riverland Youth Theatre’s There I Am program encourages young queer people to create the best version of themselves through imaginative and colourful costumes.
Participants have spent the past five days talking with costume designer Kathryn Sproul about a costume which tells their story and helps them become the person they want to be.
Levi said creating this costume helped them understand their emotions and how those emotions make them who they are.
“It’s a thing that represents how my emotions are really unstable,” they said.
“My outfit basically revolves around my family and friends saying things to calm me down and the side that I can’t control.
“Doing this outfit is a way for me to talk without really saying anything.”
Costumes ‘a talisman’ for brave young people
Riverland Youth Theatre artistic director Fleur Kilpatrick said helping participants realise ideas that had long been inside of their heads was “really amazing”.
“I wanted people to have things they could take away that were like talismans of the bravest version of [themselves] against the world.
“On about the second day Kathryn said ‘I’m the hand, you describe what’s in your head’ and she drew these costumes for all of them.
“And all of them had these really clear ideas of what they actually wanted and were able to say ‘no that’s not quite what I want, I want this’ and Kathryn was able to bring those to life.”
Participant Rowen Hurrell was inspired by one of their favourite book characters, Kaz Brekker from the Six of Crows series.
Rowen said their costume helped them feel control in a world where many things are uncertain.
“It’s my need to have control over a lot of things. We’re in a world where we can’t control much, but when I was younger I always wanted to be in control.
“If it wasn’t my way I didn’t want it done or I didn’t want to do it. With my costume it’s about being able to control whatever I want and it can all go perfectly.”
Clothes more than just fashion
The program culminated with a photo shoot on the banks of the Murray River, showcasing their costumes in all their glory.
Ms Kilpatrick said clothing was a key part of queer identity.
“One of the young people said when they transitioned they had to go through and throw out a lot of their wardrobe,” she said.
“So where some people can move along and not think a lot about their clothing and just go ‘I’ll throw on this T-shirt and jeans’, these young people think every day about how they present themselves, about how safe or confident they feel moving through the Riverland community.
“Just seeing them being in a space for five days which was totally safe to say ‘I want a cloak, and I want flames coming off the cloak’ has been special.”
Levi said being involved in the program has helped them realise there’s a wide network of people that want to support them when they’re struggling and that it’s fine to do things their way.
“As long as it makes you happy, it’s all that really matters.”
A monthly newsletter for LGBTQIA+ folks and their allies, with stories about real people and their experiences of being queer.
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