People on lower incomes in regional South Australia are being priced out of the rental market, according to a new report.

Key points:

  • Many available rental properties in regional SA are out of reach for low-income earners
  • A homelessness advocacy service says more people are in rental stress, unable to put food on the table or pay utility bills 
  • Out of 32 vacant social houses in Mount Gambier, only five are tenable

The study by homelessness agencies and Anglicare Australia analysed the 55 properties available for rent in the Limestone Coast, Riverland and Murraylands over a March weekend. chief executive Shane Maddocks said the findings showed there were “no affordable rental properties” for some, including young or single people.

“Even for people [with] two incomes with a couple of kids, two out of five of those properties couldn’t be afforded for people who are on the minimum income,” Mr Maddocks said.

“If you’re single with one child, on the JobSeeker payments, only three out of those 55 properties were affordable.

Out of 55 properties available, most were unaffordable for people on income or disability support, single parents or young people. (Supplied: Nat Cook)

“If you were a couple on an age pension with no kids, only 11 of those properties, so 20 per cent, were affordable.

Mr Maddocks said the highly competitive rental market meant some people were offering to pay rent in advance or offering higher payments than were advertised.

“[But] if you’re on [a] low income, that’s just not possible for you,” he said.

“So you might turn up to have a look at a property [but] many other people are looking at the same property, and often the property is already rented out to people who’ve got significantly higher income before you even get there.

“We’re seeing people coming in who say, ‘Look, I can’t afford to buy food, is there food available [here] that we can get for our family?’

“[People are] having to make those impossible decisions about having a meal tonight, paying for your kids’ medication, just to keep that roof over their head.”

The available housing stock, like this block in Mount Gambier, has declined. (Supplied: Nat Cook)

Mr Maddocks said it was a “desperate” situation.

“People know that they’ve got to keep the house that they’re in because it’s very hard to find alternative accommodation at the moment in our region,” he said.

“Long term, the solutions are building more properties, trying to get more rental properties into the market.

“A very quick and short-term solution is to increase the rental subsidies that are available for people that just haven’t kept up with the exploding market of rental prices.”

Five of 32 vacant public homes tenable

Human Services Minister Nat Cook confirmed Labor’s pre-election commitments to address housing problems.

The SA government has promised $180 million to build 400 new homes, with 150 of those in regional areas, and conduct a “maintenance blitz” to bring untenable vacant properties back online.

Nat Cook says out of 32 vacant public houses in Mount Gambier, only five are at a standard to have tenants.(ABC News)

“We expect work to be starting soon after July 1. The planning is already in progress for how to do this and what are the priorities,” Ms Cook said.

“There are 32 vacant public homes in Mount Gambier, and only five of those are able to be immediately tenanted.

“Twenty-seven of them are not able to have residents move into them immediately.”

Ms Cook said making more homes available was particularly important heading into winter.

“It may be full kitchens and bathrooms that need redoing, floorboards need replacing, roofs need replacing, some of them need internal walls repaired,” she said.

“Some of those homes will be having upgrades in the tens of thousands of dollars in order to bring them back online to be used.”

‘Extremely valuable’

The issue was front of mind for Mount Gambier councillor Sonya Mezinec.

“Any additional housing will be extremely valuable,” she said.

“There’s real pressure on the rental market, the supply of rental properties has declined.

Sonya Mezinec says she welcomes any measures to make more social housing available.  (ABC South East SA: Grace Whiteside)

“If we do have more social housing available, there’ll be less people competing within the private rental market, so that can only be positive.

“What it will also do is help those people that are really in desperate need of stable accommodation because of the particular circumstances that they find themselves in.”

Posted , updated