A price hike touted by SA’s Foodbank charity would hit regions the hardest, its chief executive has said, with a second organisation warning it would have to rise its own food prices in response.

Key points:

  • Foodbank SA has said it would need to raise its food prices if it did not get more state government funding
  • ADRA Community Food Pantry has warned it would need to put up its own prices due to its reliance on Foodbank
  • The Australian Council of Social Services wanted to see cost of living pressures better addressed by both major parties ahead of the federal election

Foodbank chief executive officer Greg Pattinson said cost-of-living pressures were forcing the organisation to raise its food handling prices from May 1 — if it could not secure more state government funding.

This meant its heavily discounted staples like rice, pasta and meats would increase by 20 cents per kilogram.

Mr Pattinson said people in regional locations like Whyalla, Port Lincoln and Ceduna would be hardest hit.

“For us to say that we’re not going to be able to provide all of that food means there will be a significant shortage in those areas.”

Foodbank CEO Greg Pattinson says regional areas are at a greater risk of being food insecure.(ABC: Bec Whetham)

Flow-on effects

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Community Food Pantry provides food relief in SA’s Riverland, but sources much of it from Foodbank.

Co-ordinator Graham Wynnitat told ABC Riverland’s Matt Stephens that if Foodbank put up their prices, they would be forced to put their prices up too.

“We basically have to cover costs so we try to keep our prices as low as possible but those costs have started to flow on,” he said.

ADRA Community Food Pantry’s Graham Wynnitat warns their prices will need to rise too.(ABC Riverland: Sam Bradbrook)

Mr Pattinson said regional areas were already more likely to experience food insecurity.

“People living in regional and remote areas are already 30 per cent more likely to be food insecure than people in the city because there are less opportunities and less support services,” he said.

“If we have to restrict supply in regions then they’re going to get hit very hard because there are no other alternatives.”

Some SA regions have a higher reliance on the state’s food relief charities.(ABC Radio Perth: Emma Wynne)

Centacare Catholic Country SA provides social services for rural areas, including Whyalla. 

CEO Jen Cleary said increases in rent and increasing food prices were putting a lot of pressure on their clients.

“When rents are increased, people who are already struggling and living below the poverty line face that as an additional challenge,” she said.

“In order to pay their rent something else has to give … so we’re seeing an increased demand for services like Foodbank.” 

Calls for JobSeeker boost

Meanwhile, Australian Council of Social Services chief executive Cassandra Goldie called on both major parties to pledge increases to JobSeeker ahead of the federal election. 

“Those fixed income support measures needed to be lifted to at least $70 per day and Commonwealth rent assistance also needs a 50 per cent increase.

“And we need a big investment in lower income social housing right across the country.”

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