South Australia’s Greens leader is hopeful sex work can be decriminalised in the state by the end of this year, despite the new Premier and Opposition Leader both previously opposing the measure.

Key points:

  • A bill to decriminalise sex work failed to pass in 2019
  • The new Labor Premier voted against it then
  • Promoters are framing a new push around workers’ rights

Tammy Franks says she will put up a bill soon to allow legal prostitution in the state in what will be the 14th time the proposal has been put to South Australian Parliament in the past two decades.

Legislation co-sponsored by Ms Franks and former deputy premier and outgoing Liberal MP Vickie Chapman failed to pass the lower house in 2019.

Both Premier Peter Malinauskas and Opposition Leader David Speirs voted against the bill in conscience votes.

Both men are Christian and to the right of most of their colleagues.

Spokesmen for both of them told the ABC their votes would depend on the legislation put forward. 

The lower house is controlled by Labor with 27 of the 47 seats, while the results in the upper house results are expected to be announced by the Electoral Commission this week.

Greens leader Tammy Franks plans to introduce the private member’s bill soon.(ABC News)

The Greens’ Robert Simms received enough votes to be re-elected, while the first One Nation MP may join the Legislative Council

Ms Franks said she was confident the numbers could be found to get a bill passed.

“I think there is that goodwill there,” she said.

“The numbers in terms of sex work being decriminalised I think are strong but it’s then what that decriminalisation looks like that we need that debating time.”

Concerns about street sex work in previous bill

MPs who voted down the bill in the last debate particularly raised concerns about street sex work.

Hanson Road, in Mr Malinauskas’s electorate of Croydon, is one of the hot spots of the illegal practice.

He said he voted on conscience matters on a case-by-case basis.

“While my faith is of course part of who I am, my approach is to study the detail of the bill and then formulate an opinion in conjunction with my own conscience, my own values and of course, the views of the community,” he said.

“These matters are too often simplified down into a binary conservative versus progressive frame, when the truth is there are often shades of grey.

“The key is to weigh up all of the competing factors and formulate a position based on the merits of the matter.”

Sex Industry Decriminalisation Action Committee coordinator Georgia Thain said street sex work was about 1–2 per cent of the overall industry.

New push beginning on May Day

She and Ms Franks are hoping to frame the issue around workers’ rights under Labor.

Bills to decriminalise sex work passed in Victoria in February and the Northern Territory in 2019 under ALP governments.

“I hope that now we’ve seen that it is possible to have discussions and progress this matter that the South Australian Parliament can take the evidence-based, harm-reduction approach and really focus on that discussion that we’re trying to have,” she said.

“Sex work exists, it is happening, it’s not going anywhere and how can we make sure that people have the same rights and the same access as everyone else, rather than being distracted by a very small but quite loud minority.” 

South Australian Sex Industry Decriminalisation Action Committee coordinator Georgia Thain.(Supplied)

Committee members will march in the May Day parade through the Adelaide CBD.

The committee will launch its campaign at the May Day Community Street Party in Port Adelaide next Sunday with a stall at the event.

“I think with May Day coming up that will probably be the time that we see both in the community, from the union movement and also from members of parliament to get this done and get it done this year,” Ms Franks said.

Bills allowing voluntary assisted dying, decriminalising abortion and removing the gay panic murder defence were passed during the Liberals’ term in government, all with the support of former deputy premier Vickie Chapman, who announced last week she would quit politics.