Taking a decrepit wooden boat and restoring it to its original glory is a long-term labour of love for the volunteers at Goolwa’s Armfield Slip. 

Key points:

  • HideAway, the boat used in the original 1976 Storm Boy film, has been lovingly restored
  • Members of the Armfield Slip group found it derelict along the River Murray about 20 years ago
  • It will join other iconic riverboats, such as the PS Oscar W paddle steamer, for Goolwa’s Classic Boat Regatta

The 40-plus members are boating enthusiasts from a range of backgrounds who join forces weekly to refurbish historic vessels from their riverbank shed at Goolwa, south of Adelaide.

One such project has a special place in the heart of Australian film lovers — the original boat used in the 1976 classic film, Storm Boy.

Group secretary Bob Jennings said the boat, named HideAway, was found “derelict” along the Murray River about 20 years ago.

“Somebody recognised it as the boat from the film and the blokes here acquired it and gave it a total rebuild,” he said.

“But we’ve built a cabin that is almost as ugly … it’s a beautifully shaped hull and we’ve whacked this shed on it.”

Storm Boy’s HideAway is heading the regatta’s slow boat fleet after being lovingly restored.(ABC News: Alice Dempster)

Armfield Slip chairman John Bradbury said the HideAway was a crowd-pleaser at events like today’s Goolwa Classic Boat Regatta, in which it would take part with two other vessels restored by the group.

“The amazing thing is that you’ll get kids coming here with grandma or grandad, and they all want to know about Storm Boy,” Mr Bradbury said.

“We’ve got some cut-out pelicans that, when there are festivals on, we stick those on and it works out really well.”


Fostering camaraderie

The not-for-profit organisation mostly attracted retired boat-lovers, but volunteers joined with varying experience and knowledge.

It was taken over from Alexandrina Council about 10 years ago as an independent incorporated body, raising funds through small, private wooden boat restorations. 

It also built a yacht every two years to raffle at the biennial South Australian Wooden Boat Festival.

Members are currently planning for a new jetty, part-funded by the council, and the multi-year restoration of a cutter boat built in Britain and used by the Royal and Royal Australian navies.

Mr Bradbury says everyone is welcome to visit or join the Armfield Slip group.(ABC News: Alice Dempster)

And while the camaraderie between its passionate members was reminiscent of a men’s shed group, the group welcomed everybody — even those who just wanted to stop by for smoko.

The group’s flagship boat, the 1910 river cruiser Lotus, will head the regatta’s slow boat fleet from 2pm today, together with HideAway and the boat used in the 2019 remake of Storm Boy, Meralte.

Other classic vessels, such as Goolwa’s famous paddle steamer the PS Oscar W, were also expected also be on the water.

Armfield Slip boats would also head the Vogalonga person-powered regatta on Sunday from 9am.