A senior lecturer at the University of Adelaide has filed a sexual harassment complaint in a South Australian tribunal against the professor responsible for the state’s COVID-19 modelling.
Key points:
- Dr Giang Nguyen says she was too drunk to consent to sex after a conference in Adelaide
- Professor Joshua Ross says the encounter was consensual
- The university was unable to make a finding of assault against the professor
In documents filed in the SA Civil and Administrative Tribunal, senior mathematics lecturer Giang Thu Nguyen has accused Professor Joshua Ross of sexual harassment and the University of Adelaide of failing to adequately handle her complaint.
Professor Ross, who denies the allegations, is behind modelling used by SA Health to predict the number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalisations.
Dr Nguyen is seeking $580,000 in compensation for breaches to the Equal Opportunity Act.
Documents stated that Dr Nguyen and Professor Ross were among a group of university employees who went out for social drinks during a three-day conference at the Stamford Grand hotel in the beachside Adelaide suburb of Glenelg on October 31, 2019.
It stated the group went out for dinner at Sammy’s on the Marina, before drinks continued at the Moseley Bar and Kitchen and the Glenelg Pier Hotel until 2am.
“By around this time, [Dr Nguyen] was extremely intoxicated to the extent that she experienced significant memory impairment, loss of balance and coordination, slurred speech and slow decision making,” the document stated.
It added that the Dr Nguyen went back to the professor’s hotel room, where she alleges she was raped as she “moved in and out of consciousness during the sexual intercourse”.
The documents stated that Dr Nguyen reported the incident to Yarrow Place – a service for rape and sexual assault victims – and SA Police the following day.
She reported it to her University of Adelaide superiors three days later, the documents state.
According to her complaint, the lecturer claims the university did not investigate her complaint, did not support her and did not take a statement from the professor.
She also claims the university “did not have in force at the relevant time, appropriate policies for the prevention of sexual harassment and sexual assault”.
Professor says act was consensual
In his response to the complaint, Professor Ross stated the sexual encounter was consensual and Dr Nguyen was not significantly impaired by alcohol.
He said in documents filed with the tribunal that she was able to withdraw money from an ATM, purchase drinks at the Moseley and the Glenelg Pier Hotel and was not uneasy on her feet.
His response to the complaint also stated that SA Police had not laid any charges following its investigation into the allegation.
The University of Adelaide responded in documents that it “acknowledges the very serious nature of the complaint” and “does not tolerate sexual harassment”.
The university claims it interviewed both parties and concluded there was “insufficient basis on which to make a positive finding that the alleged assault occurred”.
“In forming that view, the university does not contend that [Dr Nguyen] lied – it acknowledges she says [the professor’s] behaviour was unwelcome and that she did not consent,” documents stated.
The university said that it did support its employee after the complaint was disclosed to senior staff and it appointed an independent investigator to conduct an initial assessment.
In 2020, the culture at the university made headlines after it was revealed more than 50 reports of sexual assault and harassment had been made since 2018.
The Independent Commissioner Against Corruption also found then-vice-chancellor Peter Rathjen had committed “serious misconduct” by sexually harassing two women.