SA Water has assured people in some of South Australia’s fastest growing suburbs that a major dam wall is safe, despite a report that details concerning cracks and its inability to hold out in an extreme flood event.
Key points:
- A safety report has revealed concerns about cracks at the Whispering Wall dam wall
- It says the wall could fail under an extreme flood event
- SA Water says the wall is safe and the modelled scenario is the most extreme possible
The report released by SA Water, under Freedom of Information laws, details that a failure of the Whispering Wall at the Barossa Reservoir could see 25 per cent of Angle Vale and Gawler flooded downstream.
In the modelled flood event, 141 people could die and 6,581 people would be impacted.
A failure of the wall, which holds back 4,510ML of water, is estimated to cause $1.6 billion in damage.
The report details concern about the ability of the wall to manage an “overtopping” event, where water could possibly erode the wall at its base downstream.
Of particular concern are cracks which have formed on the left-hand side of the wall downstream.
“Three-dimensional crack monitoring points have been installed across one of the cracks,” the report completed by consultants SMEC states.
“The devices are currently not being regularly monitored. Monitoring of the cracks should be undertaken on a six-monthly basis to determine the seasonal performance of the cracks and identify any increasing or worrying trends.”
Wall safe and performing well
Senior Manager of Capital Delivery at SA Water, Peter Seltsikas, told ABC Radio Adelaide the report found the department was managing the wall to standard and that it would still perform quite well under the modelled flood.
He said the forecast scenario detailed in the report was “extreme and worst-case”.
“We’re talking about a one-in-10-million-year rain event,” Mr Seltsikas said.
“The standards that are applied to large dams are extremely conservative and the reason for that is that they are important structures that we need to make sure, from an engineering perspective, are adequate and are safe all of the time.”
Upgrade options not yet implemented
Included in the tranche of documents released was a 2015 safety review upgrade study, which looked at several options to bolster the wall’s flood mitigation.
SA Water requested consultants GHD consider “the heritage value of the dam wall” and “its physical appearance and acoustic affects” when considering upgrade options.
“The upgrade options should not change the physical appearance of the dam,” the report states.
The department also requested an area to the right of the wall be avoided for a spillway development, as it had been “designated for future tourist development”.
Six flood-mitigation options were considered including a spillway. Two options were rejected because they would impact the look of the dam wall.
A detailed flood erosion assessment looking at the impact of an over-topping event was dismissed due to questions over its accuracy.
SA Water said in a statement that installing a spillway was still being considered.