An oil and gas lobbyist will become the next boss of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, with the Coalition making the appointment only days ahead of an election being called. 

Key points:

  • A new CEO has been appointed to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority
  • Former LNP politician John McVeigh will chair a new infrastructure study of the southern MDB
  • The appointments have been made days before the election is expected to be called

Water Minister Keith Pitt has also tapped a former LNP politician to conduct a major study of water infrastructure.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is expected to call an election later this week, after which caretaker conventions apply, meaning the government would have to consult with the Opposition on important decisions.

Water Minister Keith Pitt selected Andrew McConville to be chief executive at the MDBA.(ABC News: Matt Roberts)

Mr Pitt selected Andrew McConville to join the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) and the appointment was endorsed by the cabinet. 

According to LinkedIn, Mr McConville has been employed as the chief executive at the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) for the past three years, and previously spent a decade in corporate and government affairs for agri-chemical company Syngenta. 

Mr McConville will join the MDBA in June, overseeing a staff of about 290.

Mr McConville replaces Philip Glyde, who retired from the MDBA in December.

The new appointment comes as difficult deadlines loom for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

Two states have appointed new water ministers in recent months and the Coalition remains divided on basin policy, while the Opposition has hinted at more water recovery for the environment.

Andrew McConville will begin with the Murray-Darling Basin Authority on June 19.(ABC News: Chris Gillette)

MDBA chair Sir Angus Houston said Mr McConville would bring “new energy and a fresh viewpoint” to the role.

“Mr McConville joins the MDBA at a critical time, as we keep one eye focused on overseeing the roll out of the Basin Plan, and another focused on better understanding how climate change will impact the Basin’s rivers while supporting the Basin and its communities to be future ready,” Sir Angus said.

McVeigh to chair new infrastructure audit

Mr Conville’s appointment was quickly followed by the announcement that former Groom MP John McVeigh would chair a review of public infrastructure in the southern Murray-Darling Basin.

The 12-month, $2.6 million review is expected to identify a “priority list of infrastructure opportunities to improve water security”.

Former Groom MP John McVeigh will chair a panel studying water infrastructure.

“This investment in assessing and scoping future infrastructure needs will benefit industry, help mitigate the impacts of natural disasters and improve the livelihoods of millions who call the Basin home,” Mr Pitt said.

The funding was announced in last week’s federal budget.

Mr Pitt said that Dr McVeigh had decades of experience in strategic roles as well as “a personal, professional and academic background in water policy”.

Labor’s water spokeswoman Terri Butler’s office was approached for comment.