Australia’s biggest cycling event is coming back after a two-year break due to the pandemic.

Key points:

  • The Tour Down Under will return next January
  • The international event has been cancelled for the past two years due to the pandemic
  • The 2020 Tour Down Under attracted 44,800 visitors to the state

The Tour Down Under has been confirmed for January 13-22, 2023.

Events SA executive director Hitaf Rasheed said the Tour Down Under was “such an important event for South Australia”.

“Last time it ran we saw more than 40,000 people travel to South Australia, it injected more than $60 million into the economy and created more than 700 jobs,” she said.

The event — which normally opens the world cycling tour — was replaced by a domestic festival in 2021 and 2022.

Organisers said they were excited about international competitors and attention returning in 2023.

“We look forward to seeing familiar faces who we haven’t seen in South Australia since the 2020 Santos Tour Down Under, as well as riders who are experiencing the event for the first time,” race director Stuart O’Grady said.

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