When Sarah Munchenberg finished high school buying a small business was not at the top of her to-do list.

Key points:

  • Sarah Munchenberg plans to diversify the product range of a Riverland-based gourmet treat business 
  • She bought the 30-year-old Ausnat Fruits company from Anne Battams last year
  • A study by two South Australian universities is investigating how small producers grow and attract new consumers

But the 19-year-old from South Australia’s Riverland saw an opportunity when the gourmet treat company she was working for went up for sale.

Last year she bought Ausnat Fruits from owner Anne Battams, who established it 30 years ago.

Ms Munchenberg said it was great to take on a company with a solid reputation and existing client base.

“Everyone hears that there is a new owner taking over who is young and can do a lot, so the support has been great,” she said.

“People are interested in what I’m doing and because I’m adding in new products and making it my own.

“It’s been really great so far and I cannot wait to push it even further.”

Ms Munchenberg said she hoped to cater to loyal customers while diversifying her product range to attract new buyers.

“Our whole dried and bottled fruit range will stay because that is a highlight of the business that everyone loves,” she said.

Dried fruit will remain one of the company’s core products.(ABC Rural: Eliza Berlage)

“But I want to add in some more savoury foods like beef jerky from another local business.”

Ms Munchenberg said she was also exploring options for vegans and people with food intolerances.

“I really want to expand it for every age group and also for people who can’t eat things like dairy,” she said.

Fruitful venture

The production demands require Ms Munchenberg to purchase more than 700 kilograms of fruits like oranges annually, so maintaining relationships with local growers has been important.

“[Ms Battams] has had quite a few suppliers over the years and everyone I have gotten my fruit from she has given me names for,” she said.

‘It’s been amazing that I can support people that she has supported.

“I’ve also found a couple of new ones.”

Ms Munchenberg has been working to secure funds to expand the production side of her business.(ABC Rural: Eliza Berlage)

These connections have proved particularly critical after severe storms hit the region late last year.

“With the storms, apricots have been very hard to get this year but people helped me get the fruit I needed, which was incredible,” Ms Munchenberg said. 

Ms Munchenberg says with a number of wholesalers continuing to stock her products, she is able to focus on rebranding and growing her online sales platform.

“Obviously I’ve got [social media accounts] that I post on regularly with my products but I’ve also just launched a new website,” she said.

“Being able to sell around Australia so easily is amazing.”

Big dreams, small makers

Changing consumer behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges and opportunities for small producers.

It has led some people to monetise their side hustles and start businesses, while more Australians claimed they were shopping more locally.

Research from the Commonwealth Bank in 2021 showed 85 per cent of Australians intended to buy from local brands and businesses to help them on the road to recovery.

In light of this, a joint study between the University of Adelaide and University of South Australia is looking at the future of small-scale local production to see how these businesses can be better supported.

Popular marketplaces like Buy From the Bush and Etsy have helped artisan makers reach more people.(Pexels)

University of Adelaide head of media Michelle Phillipov said the collaboration was possible with a grant from the Australian Research Council.

“We’re going to do a combination of a national consumer survey and then interviews with artisan producers,” Dr Phillipov said.

She said the research also involved a survey of media to see which producers appeared in stories. 

Dr Phillipov said unpacking the drive behind the demand for local goods would also help make these products available to a wider range of people.

“Our hope is the data we produce will assist current operators in remaining competitive, and give us a better understanding of consumer motivators and barriers, as well as a better understanding of sustainable production models,” she said.

“We also hope that the data will support the development of new and emerging businesses as Australia moves through its post COVID-19 or living with COVID-19 recovery.”

Ms Munchenberg hopes products like chocolate freckles and Easter baskets will be a hit with children.(Supplied: Ausnat Fruits)

Something for everyone

The higher price point of some artisan products has often been seen as making it inaccessible to people on lower incomes.

“We know that small-scale production sectors have often been geared towards middle-class, niche consumer markets,” Dr Phillipov said.

“So, as well as looking at the strategies that work for producers, we’re also looking at better understanding how sustainable production models might make local goods more available to a more diverse range of consumers.”

Ms Munchenberg said that was a challenge she hoped to conquer. 

“But I would love to be able to expand enough where I can have products that are lower in price and available to everyone.”