All of the seats Labor has won off the Liberals in yesterday’s SA election will be held by women, which Premier-elect Peter Malinauskas says will make state parliament better reflect the society at large.
Key points:
- Five women have been elected as new Labor MPs
- Labor is a chance for another win in Gibson
- Two Liberal women have been newly elected
Lucy Hood, Rhiannon Pearce, Erin Thompson, Nadia Clancy and Olivia Savvas will join Labor’s ranks in government after last night’s election victory over the Liberal Party and outgoing Premier Steven Marshall.
Mr Malinauskas is also hopeful of winning Gibson from outgoing transport minister Corey Wingard, while Labor is also a less likely chance in Dunstan and Waite.
Apart from Ms Hood, Labor’s winning MPs beat Liberals elected in 2018.
“We had to beat first-term MPs and political pundits would be familiar with the phenomenon of a sophomore surge, but each and every one of our candidates in those seats were able to overcome the challenge,” the Labor leader said.
“So I stand here today as the leader of a modern Labor Party that reflects our society.
“[We have] a very high proportion of female members of parliament, five brand-new members of parliament, all young, all female, to ensure that this parliament reflects the society that we live in.”
The incoming premier said it was important to him that his caucus reflected “the future of our state”, including the needs of modern families.
“In no small part, the five women that [deputy] Susan [Close] and I stand in front of today are a reflection of that,” he said.
As of last night, Sarah Andrews was 1.6 per cent ahead of Mr Wingard in Gibson, a seat centred around Marion and Brighton.
“Her work, combined with the timing of COVID, saved SA Pathology from Steven Marshall’s privatisation agenda, and she will make an outstanding member of parliament if she is successful, but we will wait and see what the outcome is,” Mr Malinauskas said.
Candidates say community engagement key to winning
Erin Thompson helped the former mayor of Unley, Lachlan Clyne, during his campaign for Badcoe at the last state election.
She went on to be elected as the Mayor of Onkaparinga in 2018.
She defeated Steve Murray, who had held Davenport with an 8.2 per cent margin.
She said she had been hopeful but not confident of winning.
“I think our community, particularly in Davenport, wants someone that will represent them and be their voice in parliament,” she said.
“I’ve worked really hard to spend time out and about in my community getting to know the residents and what is important to them and what are their priorities.
“I’m just so proud that they have put their faith in me to deliver for them.”
Nadia Clancy beat Carolyn Power in Elder, after losing to Nicolle Flint in the federal seat of Boothby in 2019.
Ms Clancy said the key to winning was one-on-one conversations through doorknocking and over the phone.
Mr Malinauskas was health minister when the Repatriation General Hospital closed in her electorate in 2017.
She said people believed he genuinely regretted the decision.
“Some people raised the Repat with me but because Pete and I have both been very up front and frank that that was the wrong decision and we’re focused on our plan for the future,” she said.
Ms Hood defeated three-term Liberal MP Rachel Sanderson in Adelaide.
She said health and local infrastructure were important to voters; however, they were wary of Labor’s policy of returning the Adelaide 500 to Victoria Park.
“It’s events like these that are going to bring our city back to life,” Ms Hood said.
The Liberal Party is also welcoming two new women to its ranks.
Female Liberal candidates Ashton Hurn and Penny Pratt won the safe seats of Schubert and Frome, replacing two men.
On the south coast, independent Lou Nicholson is leading in Finniss against outgoing primary industries minister David Basham.
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