COVID-19 has ensured the 2022 SA state election has been like no other before it, posing challenges for voters and also for electoral authorities.
At the start of the campaign, record numbers of voters were tipped to cast their ballots early because of isolation requirements for close contacts and confirmed COVID-19 cases.
With a spike in case numbers in the lead up to the weekend, many may find themselves unable to head to a booth on March 19.
So how will voting work this year?
Early voting booths open
Early voting centres opened in South Australia on March 7 — meaning people who are unable to vote on polling day can go to a designated booth early.
Reasons for voting early include working on election day, travelling, being unwell or disabled or caring for someone who is, amongst others.
Centres are open across South Australia, and interstate and overseas.
This is only an option for people who are not COVID-positive, not symptomatic or not a close contact.
Electoral Commissioner Mick Sherry said early voting centres had experienced approximately double the number of early votes compared to the 2018 state election.
What about postal voting?
Those who are unable to attend a polling booth on election day or an early voting centre may be eligible to vote via post — but the deadline to register for a postal vote closes today (March 17).
The Electoral Commission of South Australia said more than 154,000 electors had already applied for a postal vote this election.
I didn’t vote early, and I’ve got COVID, now what?
For those that contract COVID or become a close contact of a COVID case in the days leading up to the election, ballot papers can be collected from testing sites — including rapid antigen collection points and PCR testing stations.
An emergency direction came into effect at 2.31pm yesterday, allowing those who are COVID-positive or a close contact, to leave their place of residence to collect a ballot pack.
This also includes people who have symptoms and are awaiting the results of a PCR test — but not people in medi-hotels.
To collect a ballot pack, voters must register via the Electoral Commission website.
Those who do not have internet access can call the Electoral Commission of South Australia (ECSA) call centre on 1300 655 232.
Once registered, the voter is permitted to leave their place of quarantine provided they travel directly to the pick-up point; travel in their car alone; and present their SMS confirmation of registration.
Once the ballot pack has been collected, the voter must return to their place of isolation or quarantine.
Voters must cast their vote by 6pm on election day and then return their papers via Australia Post as soon as possible.
Electoral Commissioner Mick Sherry said there were 22 RAT and PCR sites set up across the state, including in regional communities, which double as voting pack collection points.
What are the exceptions?
People who are isolating outside of the electoral district and for whom it is impractical to head to a collection point, can arrange to pick up a ballot pack from an alternative pick-up point by calling the ECSA call centre.
It should also be noted people may not need to leave quarantine or isolation if they can arrange for someone else to collect their voting papers and drop them off to them without entering the affected person’s premises.
People who are in hospital with COVID or a medi-hotel can request voting ballots to be delivered to them.
But, those who find themselves in hospital on election day will not be able to vote at the hospital and must arrange a pre-poll vote or postal vote.
Due to COVID, there will be no voting facility set up in hospitals this year — anyone who is in hospital unexpectedly and has not voted early will be considered exempt from voting.
Early voting will delay results
Authorities expected a huge surge in early votes this year thanks to the pandemic.
The number of early voting centres across South Australia were increased from 22 at the 2018 state election to 37 this year.
Just over 19 per cent of voters cast their ballot via post or pre-poll at the 2018 election, up from 15.3 per cent in 2014, but this year the number of people voting early has already doubled.
Neither pre-poll nor postal votes are counted on election night, meaning if results in individual seats are tight, the overall outcome of the election may not be known for days.
Is it safe to vote on polling day?
Some people may be tempted to vote early to avoid the risk of catching COVID on election day.
But Commissioner Mick Sherry has assured the public that voting on March 19 will be safe.
“All polling booths will have socially-distanced queues, sanitisation stations, mandatory mask-wearing, single-use pencils, double-vaccinated electoral officials and hygiene and density control officers in place,” he said.
“We’re reminding the public to bring their EasyVote card or state election app to the polling booth on election day to speed up the voting process.”
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