Temporary accommodation can be a lifeline for those trying to get back on their feet after relationship breakdowns, domestic violence, family deaths, drug and alcohol addictions, and the loss of jobs or homes.
Milang Lakes Motel owner Chris Parsons knows this all too well, having offered emergency housing for people in their times of need for years.
Accepting referrals through Junction Australia’s team, he sees both Milang locals and outsiders at his motel on the shore of Lake Alexandrina for emergency stays, alongside regular patrons.
“We had a couple who arrived here a couple of years ago who had spent that winter — they arrived in September — they spent that winter in a tent with two little kids,” Chris says.
“It’s so much easier for them to end up getting involved in ice or something like that, and that completely destroys them.”
Like others working alongside aid agencies, Chris has had to develop a vast set of social support skills to help those who arrive at his door, many of whom he says “have gone through utter hell” and just want somewhere safe to stay.
He has learnt the best way to provide a semblance of stability is by offering a kind listening ear to people and setting firm ground rules during their stay — with an explicit ban on drugs.
“You can be the nicest person in the world and all they’ll do is walk all over you,” he says.
“For people who have been in trauma or in despair, the first thing that happens when they change their environment is that they want to know what the ground rules are.
“If you give them nice, firm, gentle and decent boundaries, it doesn’t take long before they start to realise it’s OK.
Local Junction Australia staff assist clients experiencing homelessness to find emergency housing or help them with food and equipment to stay safe.
Staff help the most vulnerable in the community, such as single people with children, or families, into motels like Chris’s.
At one point, he had “a community of kids”, about five or six, staying with their families at the motel temporarily.
“Where possible, through our negotiation with motels, we are able to help clients into temporary motel accommodation at discounted rates, which they are able to fund themselves,” a Junction spokeswoman says.
“In some cases, we are able to access financial assistance from the South Australian Housing Authority to help us pay for accommodation.”
Communities stepping up
Up the road from Chris, the Milang Old School House Community Centre offers additional support for both locals and temporary residents doing it tough, in the form of food and linkage to housing assistance.
Centre manager Stuart Jones says staff and volunteers have also noticed an uptick in people seeking help.
“Once they’re here [in Milang], it can be a real struggle, especially if they’ve got mental health issues,” he says.
“We’ve got emergency relief here so we see a lot of people come in for some food, if they’re stuck between Centrelink payments, or have work issues.”
The centre relies on community donations, with a nearby supermarket collecting food to distribute.
“Community donations — particularly during COVID — were great, we had a couple of people who donated their extra payment, which was really lovely, and one of our aged care clients donates $10 a fortnight.”
Helping people ‘to feel a bit better’
South Australia’s housing crisis has “markedly” increased the demand for emergency accommodation in regional areas, Chris says.
After starting with just one of his 12 rooms earmarked for emergency stays, he now has five.
Pragmatically, he says increased occupancy has been good for his business during the pandemic, which heavily impacted others in the hospitality industry.
“We’ve lost money in the past two years, but we managed to keep afloat because we had these people coming in,” he says.
But despite being happy to help, he says he wouldn’t want to stay in a small room with multiple people for a long time, describing it as a “pressure cooker” for those who are already low on morale.
“The people who come here and start feeling a bit better, you really want them to be aspirational that they are going to get something better, that they don’t want to think of themselves as permanently here,” he says.
“It really is a bit of encouragement to try and impart to them that we’re pleased they’re here, and what we want them to do is find something better.
“To build an expectation that it is possible to better themselves and it is possible to move on from living in a crappy little motel.”