Long seen as subjects best dodged at the dinner table, in the South Australian election, religion and politics are being served up as the main course.
As voting began this week in pre-poll booths across the state, a campaign run by the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) also rolled out, with the aim of gaining greater influence over the agenda of the next government.
The campaign, based on the voting record of MPs for abortion legislation passed last year, is in lock step with a campaign being run by minor party Family First to give greater prominence to Christian views in political debate.
Joining with the ACL, minor political parties Family First, One Nation and the Australian Family Party have warned the passage of the abortion legislation last year crossed a political line, arguing that Christian values are under attack.
Lazarus rising
Family First was founded in South Australia in 2002, with Pentecostal pastor Andrew Evans elected to the state’s Upper House.
During the next 15 years, the party expanded across Australia, before its merger with the Conservatives in 2017.
With the failure of the Conservatives to win seats in subsequent elections, both minor parties ceased to exist.
Now, just as Lazarus rose from the dead in the New Testament, in South Australia Family First has come back to life, with former Labor frontbenchers Jack Snelling and Tom Kenyon registering the party to compete in the March state election.
Ditching their former allegiances, Mr Snelling and Mr Kenyon have put all politicians on notice that they will be held to account for their voting record.
At the same time, former Family First MP Bob Day has returned for another tilt at politics, promising his Australian Family Party will counter the “insidious influence of the Greens and the disappointment of the major parties”.
Progressive agenda alienated the Liberal Right
With moderate Steven Marshall at the helm, South Australia’s Liberal government’s first term saw reforms of some of the most controversial social issues, with euthanasia and abortion laws passed, and sex worker legislation narrowly defeated.
The passage of the reforms, which removed abortion from the Crimes Act and legalised euthanasia in the state, angered Christian factions in both political parties, who have since warned of the political consequences.
While the reforms were voted on in parliament by individual politicians through a conscience vote, rather than party lines, Mr Marshall’s support for the laws and the influence of his deputy, fellow moderate Vickie Chapman, one of the key proponents of the law changes, consolidated fears from the Liberal Party’s Christian Right that some of their core interests were being ignored.
In the Liberal Party, the traditional voting home of conservative Christians, ructions over the lack of prominence of Christian views escalated last year, after a recruiting drive through Pentecostal churches in South Australia was thwarted.
It saw the membership of 150 Liberals terminated, with a further 400 members asked to “show cause” as to why they should remain.
While Liberal Party president Legh Davis said the audits were not a matter of faith, federal MP Tony Pasin claimed the decision was a factional move based on “religious vilification”.
Marginalisation of Christian Right
University of Sydney professor David Smith argued the Christian Right’s influence was becoming increasingly marginalised.
While they are still winning elections, as evidenced by the ascendancy of Australia’s first evangelical Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Professor Smith said the Christian Right was losing its political influence as Australia’s cultural identity shifted.
While more than half of the nation identifies with Christianity, he said Australia as a nation lacked the American-style “special relationship between the people and God”.
Because of this, while Christian conservatives were winning elections, they continued to lose on policy issues such as abortion and same sex marriage.
The battle to win middle Australia
Labor’s election campaign has pitched itself at middle Australia, positioning Opposition Leader Peter Malinauskas as the everyman – a dad who plays footy and gardens on the weekend.
What has not been highlighted is his Catholic upbringing and continued faith.
In Labor’s powerful Catholic Right faction, which Mr Malinauskas leads, the resignation of Mr Snelling and Mr Kenyon from the party served as notice that Labor needed to do more to reflect the faction’s views.
Echoing the sentiments of Liberal conservatives, Mr Snelling warned he was increasingly concerned about rising “restrictions on religious freedom” across Australia.
While Labor has traditionally not attracted the Pentecostal vote, the rules are changing.
In the north-eastern seat of Wright, Family First will direct its preferences against Labor’s first term MP Blair Boyer because of his support for the abortion law changes.
But in King, they will direct preferences against Liberal Paula Luethen and in Newland preference votes will not flow to Liberal Richard Harvey.
As a new party hanging off a well-known name, how much of an influence this will have at the ballot box on March 19 is anyone’s guess.
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