There is a small miracle or two emerging at Secret Rocks near Kimba on South Australia’s central Eyre Peninsula.

Key points:

  • Katherine Moseby and John Read have turned their conservation property into a haven for an extinct mainland marsupial
  • They have funding to expand a fenced area that protects flora and fauna from native and introduced species
  • Shark Bay bandicoots were released into the fenced refuge about seven weeks ago, and some are already breeding

For the first time in about 150 years, bandicoots are living in the Mallee woodlands where they once roamed in high numbers.

Some of the 15 marsupials are already breeding and have young the size of jellybeans in their pouches.

If the population thrives, other species will be returned to the area in the next few years including numbats and phascogales and Secret Rocks will resemble a living ark.

It is all thanks to the work of ecologists Katherine Moseby and John Read on their private property.

Labour of love

They have devoted their backyard to saving flora and fauna species from extinction.

“We came here and fell in love with it,” Dr Moseby said.

John Read and Katherine Moseby have introduced bandicoots to Eyre Peninsula.(

ABC Eyre Peninsula: Jodie Hamilton


There were two rare animals, the sandhill dunnart and the malleefowl which attracted them to the property as well as the remnant vegetation which has been under a heritage agreement.

Their aim was to do some conservation work after founding Arid Recovery in the state’s north, near Roxby Downs, in 1997.

When calicivirus went through that area and decimated the rabbit population, it gifted the ecologists a clean slate to fence an area free of the herbivore.

“And that meant we could reintroduce a whole suite of mammal species that used to be there but have gone extinct.”

John Read and Katherine Moseby fencing at Arid Recovery.(

Supplied: Katherine Moseby


Mammals killed or extinct in some areas

Fifty per cent of the mammals from the area have been wiped out since European settlement.

“We’ve introduced species like stick-nest rats and bandicoots and burrowing bettongs and bilbies and the latest one was western quolls,” Dr Moseby said.

Twenty years ago they introduced the Shark Bay bandicoot to Arid Recovery.

They were extinct on mainland Australia, only found on two Western Australian islands.

In August their private fenced reserve at Secret Rocks became the third Australian mainland home for the tiny marsupial.

The Shark Bay bandicoot was only found on two WA islands until a program saw them released in SA.(

Supplied: Katherine Moseby


But it’s not all cute and cuddly — most of the ecologists’ work is about fencing and vermin control to try and get native plants back into the area, and feral animals out.

“We’ve lost a lot of species; bilbies, possums, bandicoots, quolls, phascogales,” Dr Moseby said.

Fencing keeps pests at bay

She has been relieved the bandicoots, which were released at Secret Rocks about seven weeks ago, have been surviving.

“It’s only a small barrier and if they do get in they could wipe the population out really quickly.

“So we’re doing a lot of checks to make sure no cats and foxes get in, but we haven’t had a cat or fox in here for two years, so we’re pretty confident the fence is doing a good job.”


There is extra protection from a cat control device Dr Read invented.

“There’s a whole list of species that cats are considered to be the key threat to and it’s not just in Australia,” he said.

“A lot of offshore islands — New Zealand, Hawaii, and a lot of Pacific islands, Japan — cats are a major predator and a major risk to nesting seabirds and native mammals and reptiles.”

Dr Read said the loss of a species had flow-on effects in the ecosystem.

“We only realise what role they play when they are gone and so many animals are important for controlling insects or for pollinating or for spreading seed for spreading fungi around and then the fungi helps the plants grow – everything’s inter-related,” he said.

Dr Read prepares a trap for a bandicoot. The fence protects the reintroduced mammals from foxes and cats.(

ABC Eyre Peninsula: Jodie Hamilton


Dr Read is hopeful the bandicoots will flourish outside their refuge.

“The fences we build and the management, it’s not an enclosure, it’s not like a zoo,” he said.

“Our aim is that this will be the core area like the nursery ground if you like and they’ll spread out.

“If we can encourage national parks and other landowners to manage their cats and their foxes and their kangaroos and their goats to a certain level, then these animals hopefully will spread out and we’ll see them in other areas.”

Cat Lynch helps track the progress of the bandicoots with GPS equipment.(

ABC Eyre Peninsula: Jodie Hamilton 


Plans for expansion

The property has faced droughts and heatwaves, while 60 hectares of the original 900ha exclosure was burnt in fires 18 months ago.

It has been a setback for further species introduction.

“The exclosure is no longer big enough to hold a viable population of numbats,” Dr Read said.

“So we’re now in the process of extending the size of the reserve and that will enable us to bring numbats, which are really cool little animals and really rare.

“It’s all very well to devote lots of attention to looking after pandas, but our own Australian wildlife are equally as rare and threatened.”

The ecologists have bushfire recovery funding to fence almost 4,000ha to expand the refuge.

And they might need more room with the bandicoots already breeding.

“The other night we found a couple with little joeys in them, which is really exciting, so we’ve got a new generation of Secret Rocks bandicoots,” Dr Read said.