A man charged with conspiracy to murder a man in Adelaide’s eastern suburbs was allegedly involved in the sourcing of a firearm and planning the shooting, an Adelaide court has heard.

Key points:

  • Peter John McMillan was charged earlier this year over an alleged conspiracy to murder
  • The court today heard Mr McMillan was under surveillance at the time
  • His lawyer said a lack of evidence meant there was no case for his client to answer

Peter John McMillan, 27, was charged earlier this year as part of Operation Ironside with conspiracy to murder and participate in a criminal association.

Police previously said the plot involved attending a home at Rosslyn Park in Adelaide’s eastern suburbs at two different times to kill a person who did not even live at the property.

They arrested a man in a nearby yard and found him with a mask and later found a fully-loaded pistol.

The Adelaide Magistrates Court heard Mr McMillan was under surveillance at the time and was seen the day before the planned murder meeting with a co-accused.

“The contents of a duffle bag was shown to [the other accused] by Mr McMillan,” the prosecutor said.

“That being significant in that at that time, equipment including overalls, accelerant and what not were being prepared in connection with the first attempt.

“It’s a critical observation between the two critical people at a critical point in time.”

He said a phone with the encrypted app AN0M was also found at Mr McMillan’s workplace.

The prosecutor told the court Mr McMillan had identified himself in many of the messages on that platform but he was still awaiting the metadata and GPS data results attached to the messages.

But during the home detention bail application, Mr McMillan’s lawyer David Edwardson QC told the court said there was no evidence against his client.

“There’s a conversation on the 16th May which is attributed to my client, in particular, the alleged sourcing of a Glock firearm and the shooting of an unidentified person,” he told the court.

“That cannot possibly be him, he’s only got one brother, he’s younger — and the police well know this, he also lives at Wollongong so he couldn’t possibly have sourced the Glock gun on that day and inspected it that day.

“That’s a prime example of a very good reason why he could not — and is not — the person to whom this particular and crucial passage is attributed.”

But the prosecutor told the court there were a number of ways that the device was attributed Mr McMillan.

“Read in its proper context, a sensible explanation could be offered as to how and what was meant by that message,” the prosecutor said.

“I’m not sure [Mr Edwardson] could be in a position to say so unequivocally that it couldn’t possibly be him.”

‘No case’ for client to answer, lawyer says

Mr Edwardson said there was currently no case for his client to answer to, as was the case with many of the Operation Ironside cases.

“[Prosecution] is hoping to identify a connection between the phone that seems to have been found at my client’s workplace — that in itself can’t be completely circumstantial evidence to prove his use, let alone that he is the person who is referred to or identified.

“There is a really troubling aspect to this case and that it exemplified the danger of relying upon hearsay on hearsay on hearsay … and prosecutors constantly standing up at the bar table making assertions about what they hope will eventuate in an ongoing investigation.”

Magistrate Michelle Sutcliffe ordered a home detention report with a decision on bail expected next week.