Victor Harbor’s causeway replacement remains on schedule despite works having to pause several times for marine incursions, during what is shaping up to be a quieter-than-usual whale season.
Key points:
- Construction has been paused nine times due to large marine life and penguins swimming nearby
- Whale observers say one female was startled and swam out to sea when piling resumed
- The new causeway to Granite Island is expected to be completed by January
The concrete-and-steel structure is being built to replace the 150-year-old heritage timber causeway, which will be demolished once the new bridge opens in January.
In response to concerns about the effects of pile-driving noise during whale migration season, the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) agreed to employ spotters who would call a pause to works if whales, dolphins, little penguins or seals entered exclusion zones.
Whale observers said two females had entered the one-kilometre exclusion zone near Granite Island.
They said pile driving was paused for half an hour but resumed while at least one mother was still nearby, leading the startled mammal to flee out to sea.
The observers said it had been a quieter season for whales in the area, despite several whales being sighted regularly from Victor Harbor to Goolwa, including a calf with a penchant for breaching.
Encounter Bay Right Whale Study chief investigator Claire Charlton said a more comprehensive study on whale migration through Australian waters was underway and data for Encounter Bay was not finalised.
A DIT spokesperson said work was paused twice — on June 22 and July 2 — as a “precautionary measure due to reports of whales nearing, but not entering, the exclusion zone”.
“Piling activities have [also] been paused on a total of seven occasions due to sightings of seals [April 21, May 6, July 14, August 24] or dolphins [August 6, 12, 24] that had either entered or were approaching the exclusion zone,” they said.
DIT’s Environment and Heritage Summary Report said that once works had been paused, they could not resume until 30 minutes had passed since the last sighting of a marine animal outside the zone.
Penguins on last legs
Concerns have also been raised about the project’s impact on Granite Island’s last remaining little penguin colony.
Just 16 remain after an astonishing decline from about 1,600 in 2000, a drop attributed to a large-scale pilchard mortality event in the 1990s, an increasing New Zealand fur seal population, and dogs and foxes getting onto the island.
Former mayor Graham Philp, who now chairs the Save Granite Island’s Penguin Committee (SGIPC), said any disruption to the population’s breeding season could be disastrous.
“The last count was last year and there was 16 penguins left, and since then they’ve started the new causeway, which will interfere with breeding success this year,” he told ABC Radio Adelaide.
“Exactly how that affects it, we don’t know until we have another count, which is due in October.”
Victor Harbor councillor Andrew Robertson said the colony was “down to extinction levels”.
Predation had to be addressed, he said, but the “main issue at present is people”, with fears thousands could visit the island once the new causeway opened.
“We need to have an urgent separation of people from penguins because we’re talking about recovery here.
“If the colony is going to have any chance of breeding itself up again, we need to basically have a night-time curfew to leave birds in peace.”
Keep dogs out
The 150-year-old causeway will remain open until its replacement is completed.
Mr Robertson said people were still walking their dogs across to Granite Island despite a ban.
“There needs to be much better signage at the beginning of the causeway to tell people, please, no dogs, and no white flashlights that blind penguins that people take over in the modern day and age.”
The DIT spokesperson said it was working with SGIPC, Flinders University and the Department for Environment and Water to adapt all possible mitigation measures.
He said this included burrow surveys, phasing works outside the breeding season and conducting piling during daylight hours only to limit disruption to penguins leaving or returning to Granite Island.
Noise proofing installed
DEW Fleurieu district ranger Paul Unsworth said while there was a potential for the causeway’s construction to cause some disturbance, he did not believe it would be a “deciding factor for the colony”.
He said contractors had been working closely with rangers and volunteer groups to keep noise levels to a minimum, and had recently put noise proofing around one of the closest burrows to reduce impacts during piling.
Mr Unsworth said there was fencing around some burrows to keep people away, and rangers had issued expiation notices to people bringing dogs onto the island, with police also responding at times.
“I would advise anybody who sees a dog on the island to let us know,” he said.
“If there’s a ranger in the area, they will respond as priority, and, if it’s after hours, call SAPOL, because they have been great in responding.”