The claim
As both sides of politics gear up for an election fight, child care is set to be an area of tight contest.
Key Labor figures have been on the attack, saying Coalition changes to childcare policy had “failed” and fell “abysmally short” of supporting Australian families.
But the Minister for Education and Youth, Alan Tudge, argued recently in Question Time that the government has overseen significant growth in assistance.
“We’ve increased childcare subsidies by 77 per cent since we came to office,” he said.
Is he correct? RMIT ABC Fact Check takes a look.
The verdict
Mr Tudge’s claim is exaggerated.
Childcare subsidies can be measured either as the total spent by the government or the amount spent per child.
ABC Western Plains: Jessie Davies
)In addition, government support can be considered solely as means-tested fee assistance paid according to family income or that support plus industry payments made to service providers.
Fact Check has taken these different measures into account in assessing Mr Tudge’s claim and each falls short of a 77 per cent increase during the Coalition’s term.
When it comes to the primary direct assistance for families, departmental annual reports and budget papers show that between 2012-13 and the estimated spending for 2020-21, childcare subsidies are expected to have increased by 63 per cent once adjusted for inflation.
When funding to support the childcare industry is added, overall expenditure is expected to have risen by 71 per cent, in real terms, over the same period.
This figure is close to Mr Tudge’s claim. But industry support in 2020-21 was significantly boosted by temporary emergency COVID-19 payments to childcare providers.
The recent budget estimated that without these one-off payments, overall expenditure for 2021-22 will come in at 59 per cent above 2012-13 spending, in inflation-adjusted terms. The corresponding pre-pandemic increase to 2019-20 was 43 per cent.
Finally, the Productivity Commission reports on several “per child” measures, including spending per child in approved childcare services, and a broader category of spending per child on early childhood education and care.
On these measures, subsidies increased by 12 per cent and 30 per cent respectively between 2012-13 and 2019-20, the most recent data available.
On the question of whether the Coalition can take credit for these rises in expenditure, experts told Fact Check that increases had less to do with Coalition policy and more to do with growth in the system.
They chiefly related to rapidly rising fees and increasing numbers of children in care.
Context of the claim
ABC North Queensland: Nathalie Fernbach
)Mr Tudge’s claim of increased “subsidies” could equally be understood as relating to a rise in assistance per child received by parents, or as higher aggregate government expenditure on child care.
That expenditure is mostly related to fees paid by parents but also goes in support for providers of childcare services.
In recent months, Mr Tudge has made several claims about a 77 per cent childcare increase, referring in Parliament to “assistance” and “funding” and also to “expenditure” in a press conference.
Following his claim in Question Time, Mr Tudge went on to say: “In the most recent budget, we added an additional $1.7 billion of subsidy, particularly targeting families with two or more children in child care.”
However, his claim remains somewhat ambiguous.
Childcare funding in Australia
The primary form of government assistance for childcare fees in Australia is the Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
It is usually delivered via payments to childcare providers, with consumers paying lower out-of-pocket fees.
This means that the level of government spending responds to demand from the sector.
Principal research fellow at the Australian University’s Centre for Social And Research Methods, Ben Phillips, told Fact Check demand-driven growth in child care related to three primary factors: the cost of child care; the amount of hours children spent in care; and the numbers of children attending child care.
The government sets an hourly rate cap; the subsidy is a percentage of the actual fee charged or the cap, whichever is lower.
Sanka Vidanagama/NurPhoto via Getty Images
)The subsidy is paid for the care of children up to the age of 12 who are using an approved service and meet residency and immunisation status. Parents or guardians must be working and hold responsibility for paying fees.
The programme is means tested, with the proportion of the fee subsidised falling as family income rises.
In addition, there is a limit on the total subsidy payable each year for families with an annual income between $189,390 and $353,680. Families earning $353,680 or above cannot receive any CCS under the income test.
As well as the CCS, there is an Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) which applies in limited circumstances, including for those experiencing financial hardship or caring for vulnerable children.
There is also a smaller, additional, tranche of funding known as the “support for the childcare industry” which provides further support to the sector, such as grants for disadvantaged service providers.
The Coalition’s term
The Coalition was elected in September 2013. Labor delivered its last budget in May 2013, setting out planned funding for the 2013-14 financial year ahead. The Coalition governed for the majority of that financial year.
Fact Check has taken Labor’s last full year in office, 2012-13, as the baseline for assessing Mr Tudge’s claim.
The claim was made on June 23, a week before the end of the 2020-21 financial year. The budget handed down in May 2021 contains estimates of spending for that year.
Policy changes under the Coalition
)The CCS and the ACCS were introduced in 2018 and formed the primary component of a broader child care package legislated in 2016.
At the time, the then minister for social services, Christian Porter, said the package would: “deliver genuine, much-needed reform for a simpler, more affordable, more accessible and more flexible early education and childcare system”.
The CCS and the ACCS replaced payments fulfilling a similar function, called the Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate.
The Child Care Benefit was a means-tested subsidy normally paid directly to the childcare provider to reduce fees for eligible families.
The Child Care Rebate, on the other hand, was not means tested and was paid in addition to the Child Care Benefit, further subsidising remaining out-of-pocket fees by up to 50 per cent, capped at maximum rate of $7,500, per child, per year.
In 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government provided additional support payments to childcare providers to help services remain viable as parents kept their children at home.
This resulted in an estimated quadrupling of support for the childcare industry in the 2020-21 financial year.
In May 2021, the government announced two major changes aimed at making child care cheaper and thus reducing the disincentives for some parents to remain out of the workforce.
The first initiative is to increase the proportion of fees subsidised by the government for families with more than one child aged under six years attending child care.
The second is to remove the annual cap on the total subsidy for families with incomes above $189,390. Families with income over $353,680 will remain ineligible for any CCS for any children.
The government has introduced legislation for these changes to take effect in July 2022. They are expected to increase spending on child care by $1.7 billion over three years.
Mr Tudge mentioned this sum when he made his claim about a 77 per cent increase. However, Fact Check has not taken these 2022 changes into account in assessing the claim, as the legislation had not been passed by Parliament at the time.
Measuring child care expenditure
Government funding for child care is outlined in the federal budget papers on an “estimated” basis, for the financial year ahead and on an “estimated actual” amount for the year soon to finish.
Corresponding figures are also published in the annual reports of the Department of Education Skills and Employment. These reports are published several months after the financial year has ended and give an account of “actual” spending.
Both the budget papers and the department’s publications report two sets of numbers.
The first is assistance to parents: in 2012-13, it was called “Child care fee assistance” but was later reported separately as the “Child Care Benefit” and “Child Care Rebate”.
Since 2018-19 it has been called the “Child Care Subsidy”.
The second set is assistance to service providers: this has been called “support for the child care system” consistently since 2012-13.
There was also a small tranche of funding known as “Early childhood education” supporting universal access to preschool reported until 2013-14.
However, from 2014-15 this was amalgamated with school funding. This funding has an inconsequential impact on the outcome and has been omitted in Fact Check’s analysis.
The Productivity Commission, a government review and advisory body, also publishes aggregate expenditure on child care, as well as expenditure per child. Its most recent report is for the 2019-20 financial year.
Its federal government data covers services that are eligible to receive the Child Care Subsidy.
The expenditure includes financial support to families, funding provided to specialist programs supporting the childcare sector, payments to peak agencies who support childcare service providers and the government’s internal administrative costs.
Its data for 2019-20 included business continuity payments which were paid to services in response to COVID-19.
What the evidence shows
In order to account for inflation, Fact Check has adjusted the figures in the budget papers and the department’s annual reports in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by the ABS, to the value of 2019-20 dollars.
Official CPI figures for the full 2020-21 financial year were not published at the time of Mr Tudge’s claim, so Fact Check has used the CPI assumption in the federal budget papers of 3.5 per cent growth for 2020-21.
In 2012-13, Labor’s last full financial year in office, the department’s annual report shows expenditure on childcare subsidies, that is, the assistance to parents, was $5.3 billion in 2019-20 dollars.
The latest budget papers show that by June 30, 2021, the corresponding funding for childcare subsidies is expected to have risen to $8.7 billion in real terms — an increase of 63 per cent.
When support for providers is added to assistance for parents, total funding in 2012-13 was $5.8 billion in 2019-20 dollars.
By 2020-21 this is expected to have risen to $10 billion, once inflation is taken into account — an increase of 71 per cent.
However, this is partly due to a big jump in funding for the childcare system from $317,000 in 2019-20 to $1.3 billion in 2020-21.
As the May budget identifies, this funding is not ongoing. The 2020-21 sum mostly consisted of emergency support for Victorian childcare centres during the state’s extended pandemic lockdown.
As the chart below illustrates, if spending as forecast in the budget papers eventuates, in 2021-22 combined funding for assistance to parents and support for providers will decrease by 12 per cent in inflation-adjusted terms.
On this basis, overall expenditure will have increased by 59 per cent in real terms over the Coalition’s term.
By comparison, the corresponding increase from 2012-13 to 2019-20 was 43 per cent.
Senior associate at the Grattan Institute, Owain Emslie, told Fact Check that measuring expenditure on a per-child basis was a legitimate way of accounting for growth in child care assistance.
The latest data from the Productivity Commission is only available until 2019-20. It shows that as of that time, growth in expenditure per child was significantly below Mr Tudge’s claim of 77 per cent.
The commission reports on several measures including real recurrent expenditure on childcare services per child aged 0-12 years attending Australian government CCS-approved childcare services.
The commission’s data shows that in 2012-13 the government spent $5,758 per child in 2019-20 dollars. Seven years later this had this increased to $6,470 — representing an increase of 12 per cent in real terms.
The commission has an alternate measure of spending per child — not per child attending CCS-approved services — on “early childhood education and care”. By this measure federal government spending increased by 30 per cent between 2012-13 and 2019-20.
Meanwhile, the commission puts real growth in aggregate recurrent expenditure by the federal government on childcare services between 2012-13 and 2019-20 at 43 per cent.
Can the Coalition take credit?
So, just how much of this rise in expenditure can be attributed to Coalition policy?
The government’s own budget papers say that increased spending in real terms (that is, adjusted for inflation) “primarily reflects expected continued growth in the use of child care by families and also reflects expected increases in fees charged by child care providers”.
That wording is found in the budget papers for the past three years. In contrast, the 2018-19 budget paper said: “The increase reflects continued growth in the usage of child care by families and also reflects the commencement of the more generous Child Care Subsidy from 2 July 2018.”
Information about growth in demand is available up until the end of the 2020 calendar year in the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) “Childcare in Australia” report, normally published quarterly.
In the December quarter of 2013, there were 1,120,880 children attending approved child care services compared with 1,311,630 children in December 2020, an increase of 17 per cent.
The department said the number was 5.5 per cent below the 1,339,900 recorded in December 2019, a fall it attributed to the impact of COVID-19. From December 2013 to December 2019 the increase was 20 per cent.
Meanwhile, the average time spent in centre-based care – the most common service type – increased from 27.5 hours per week in December 2013, to 30.3 hours in December 2020, representing an increase of 10.2 per cent.
(Due to definitional changes in 2018, these two numbers are not entirely consistent. However, the number of children involved in the definitional change was less than one per cent of the total, so the discrepancy is not significant.)
The Productivity Commission also reports on the growth in costs to parents before the Child Care Subsidy reduces their fees.
The commission found that the median weekly cost for 50 hours of care in CCS-approved centres and family day care rose by 30 per cent in real terms over the seven years to 2020.
The Coalition can take credit for some of the growth in expenditure, not all of which is related to external factors.
This is evidenced by changes in the Childcare Price Index, a component of the Consumer Price Index, published by the ABS, which experts told Fact Check was the best long term measure of childcare affordability over time.
The Child Care Index reflects the net cost of child care — subtracting childcare subsidies from the gross cost of child care, leaving net out-of-pocket costs paid by the consumer.
As the chart below demonstrates, out-of-pocket costs dropped by 14 percentage points between 2017 and 2018 when the CCS was introduced, indicating an increased share of fees taken on by the government.
What the experts say
Associate Professor Phillips said that the increase in funding for childcare subsidies is mostly the result of growth in the system — not Coalition policy.
“There are things that drive that [expenditure] of course that are not necessarily government policy, it’s really related to child care being an area of very strong growth,” he said.
“It’s quite clear that the vast majority of the increase is related to price increases at the provider level, some increase in hours attended and number of children attending and a small remainder that is policy related.”
He did however acknowledge that child care was an area of “considerable and increased expenditure for the government” and noted the introduction of the CCS in 2018 had gone some way to increase the generosity of subsidies.
Mr Emslie told Fact Check: “The general trend [of expenditure] upwards looks broadly legitimate.”
However, he noted that a significant portion of spending in the 2020-21 year related to short term COVID-19 measures.
“$1 billion or so of the $10.3 billion in 2020-21 relates to the short-term pandemic measures. So, yes, that was money that was paid in that year, but it’s not an ongoing measure, so it’s arguably not a fair comparison to include it,” he said in an email.
Director of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Robert Breunig, said that claims by the government of improvement to the childcare system that rested on expenditure alone meant little to the consumer.
“That conflates growth in childcare with growth in subsidies” he said. “If someone is using childcare subsidies, and a second person then starts using child care subsidies then it [expenditure] doubles, but childcare subsidies haven’t gotten more generous”.
Principal researcher: Sonam Thomas
- Amanda Rishworth and Anthony Abanese, Press Release, 24 June 2021
- Amanda Rishworth, Press Release, 07 July 2021
- Parliament of Australia, Hansard, 23 June 2021
- Parliament of Australia, Hansard, 11 May 2021
- Parliament of Australia, Hansard, 17 June 2021
- Alan Tudge, Press Conference, 02 May 2021
- Services Australia, Childcare Subsidy
- Services Australia, Additional Childcare Subsidy
- Australian Parliament, Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Jobs
- for Families Child Care Package) Bill 2016
- Australian Government, Child Care Fact Sheet, 2015
- Australian Parliamentary Library, Child Care Subsidy Changes, 2021
- Australian Parliament, Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Subsidy) Bill 2021
- Australian Bureau Of Statistics, Consumer Price Index, June 2021
- Commonwealth of Australia, Budget Paper One, May 2021
- Department of Education Skills and Employment, Annual Reports 2012-13 — 2019-20
- Department of Education Skills and Employment, Budget Portfolio Statement 2021-2022, 11 May 2021
- Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2013-2021
- Department of Education Skills and Employment, Child Care in Australia report December quarter 2013
- Department of Education Skills and Employment, Child Care in Australia report December quarter 2020