An Australian man and his seriously injured wife who were on a turbulent Singapore Airlines flight this week have been visited by the head of the airline, as he seeks to arrange a medical evacuation.
Keith Davis from Adelaide is among more than 50 passengers and crew still being treated in Bangkok hospitals, after the plane they were on suddenly plunged 10 hours into the journey from London to Singapore.
Mr Davis was shut down by staff at the Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital when he attempted to tell the ABC and other journalists about how no representatives from the airline had spoken to him directly.
Mr Davis said he had “had no information, we’ve been left in limbo”, as hospital staff quickly wheeled him to a lift to avoid reporters.
Staff also intervened when the ABC’s South-East Asia correspondent, Bill Birtles, tried to buy Mr Davis a coffee, snatching the money away.
The director of the hospital, Adinun Kittiratanapaibool, later apologised for staff he said were only seeking to protect the privacy of patients.
Later on Thursday, Mr Davis said he had been visited not just by a representative of the airline, but also by CEO Goh Choon Phong.
Singapore Airlines later put out a statement, saying Mr Phong conveyed that “I have given [patients] my personal assurance that we will take care of them during this difficult time”.
Mr Davis is among at least nine Australians still being treated in the Thai capital, three of whom remain in intensive care.
His wife Kerry is also in intensive care, but he wants to get her home to Adelaide to continue treatment.
She is a UK citizen and a permanent resident of Australia.
More than 50 of the 229 people on board the flight remain in Bangkok, where the Singapore-bound plane diverted after experiencing what the airline described as “extreme turbulence”.
Hospital officials say the youngest patient is two years old, but is on the lower end of injury seriousness.
Many of the remaining patients suffered head, brain, spinal or muscle injuries.
‘Hear people groaning and moaning’
A 73-year-old British man died on the flight, and the plane made an emergency landing at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport on Tuesday.
Adelaide resident Jenny Hall, who was travelling on the London-to-Singapore flight, says a decision to not go to the bathroom may have saved her from serious injury.
The Adelaide woman was travelling with her husband John on flight SQ321 from London to Singapore when the Boeing 777 suddenly dropped at 37,000 feet.
Ms Hall said she was about to go to the bathroom just before breakfast when the plane jolted and plunged.
“Luggage went up and a camera, from I don’t know where, flying over nearly hit me in the head,” Ms Hall said.
“There was just this silence for, I don’t know how long, and then reality hit and you could hear people groaning and moaning.”
Ms Hall said she saw passengers, who were not wearing seatbelts fly into the air and fall to the floor.
Many suffered injuries to their heads and necks.
“I could look over and we could see a lady who had fallen out of her seat and then another man on the floor next to us and you look around and you see cracks in the roof and stuff and people bleeding,” Ms Hall said.
“There people were saying, ‘is anyone who’s hurt?’ and then, I don’t know how long later, made a call for medical assistance, ‘any doctors on board?’ but then people were just helping each other as best they could.
Her husband said the incident felt “surreal”.
“Your brain recognised that it was not over and you start looking around and you saw all the injuries and the damage to the plane and the light globes hanging out, oxygen masks hanging down and thinking, ‘wow, hang on, this is a lot more severe than what I first thought’,” Mr Hall said.
“At that moment I certainly wasn’t terrified. I think it was more the shock came afterwards after noticing the injuries and the blood on the roof and on the floor and on the seats.
“There were a lot of skull injuries, you could look up at the roof and there was significant impact marks where heads has smashed into the roof.”
The couple were heartened when passengers started comforting and helping each other, with the generosity extending after they alighted the flight.
“All the passengers that were well, banded together and supported and helped out those that were injured because the staff were injured themselves and they couldn’t do anything,” Ms Hall said.
“A man across the other aisle was leaning over and comforting people on the ground.
“Another passenger had [wi-fi] access so, they kindly lent their phone to us and we were able to ring our daughter.”
The pair, who were travelling back from a holiday in Iceland, were “thankful and happy” to be home.
“Once we [got] to Adelaide and I was going through the passport thing, I think the reality that I was home and safe hit me and I started crying,” Ms Hall said.
“Seeing my daughter at the airport was one of those things. Through the whole thing I just stayed calm and cool, but the minute I saw her was when the tears and everything hit.”
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