Last-minute measures to monitor and control Snowtown accomplice Mark Ray Haydon have been imposed days before the 65-year-old’s sentence is set to end and he is released into the community.

The South Australian government is trying to have Haydon deemed a high-risk offender for helping the Snowtown serial killers hide the bodies in the barrels, arguing Haydon poses an “appreciable risk” to the community if he is not supervised.

The SA Supreme Court will not make a final decision on whether he qualifies as a high-risk offender until after his 25-year head sentence ends next week.

In the meantime, Justice Tim Stanley has agreed to an interim supervision order, similar to his parole conditions, allowing authorities to monitor Haydon and put restrictions on what he can and cannot do.

Haydon is here seen leaving the Pre-Release Centre.(ABC News: Che Chorley)

He told Haydon that, under the interim conditions, he was banned from contacting any victims or their family members, as well as any of the Snowtown serial killers.

He must live at a pre-approved address, wear an electronic monitoring bracelet and comply with a curfew between 9pm and 6am each day.

When living in the community, he will also have to have a mobile phone so that he can be contacted at any time.

Haydon is not allowed to drink, take non-prescribed drugs or go to any licensed premises, and he cannot have guns or other weapons.

Strict control measures will apply when Haydon’s sentence expires.(ABC News: Che Chorley)

He is banned from travelling interstate without permission, and must submit to drug, alcohol and gunshot residue testing when requested.

He will also have to have a psychological assessment and comply with any treatment ordered.

Haydon is also banned from speaking with the media.

Justice Stanley agreed to delay the next hearing on the high-risk offender application until a psychiatric report is completed sometime in June or July.

Parole board to supervise Haydon

SA Parole Board chair Frances Nelson said the interim supervision order meant that the board would continue to supervise Haydon after he is released into the community.

“He cannot remain in the pre-release centre once his head sentence is finished,” she said.

“He will have certain conditions, which are going to be very similar to his parole conditions, and he’ll be under the ultimate supervision of the parole board through a community corrections officer.”

Attorney-General Kyam Maher has moved to reassure the public about Haydon’s impending release into the community.

“What this decision means is when Mark Haydon is released, he won’t be released with no conditions, no supervision whatsoever, which can happen at the end of someone’s time in prison,” Mr Maher said.

“What this means is that upon release, there will be those conditions about who Mark Haydon can associate with, not using drugs or alcohol, being electronically monitored, and having curfews about when to return home.

“If it wasn’t for the laws that we changed in February, we might not have been able to make the application to the Supreme Court and have these conditions that are now in place.

“That’s exactly why, as a government, we very quickly changed legislation so that there was no doubt that the court could hear this matter.”

Earlier this year, the government rushed through amended laws to target Haydon when the ABC revealed authorities would be powerless to keep him behind bars once he had served his full sentence.

Haydon has been regularly venturing into the community on supervised day trips since he was released on parole to the Adelaide Pre-Release Centre last month.

He was never found guilty of any of the murders, but was convicted of assisting in the cover-up of seven of the killings.

Mark Haydon with wife, and murder victim, Elizabeth Haydon.(The Advertiser)

That involved storing barrels containing bodies, including that of his wife Elizabeth, at his home in Adelaide’s northern suburbs and helping move them to the disused bank vault where they were discovered in May 1999.

Haydon has been in custody since then and the Department for Correctional Services said the 65-year-old’s sentence is set to end on Monday, May 20.

John Justin Bunting was found guilty of 11 murders and Robert John Wagner 10.

Bunting, now 57, and Wagner, now 52, were both jailed for life without the possibility of parole.

The bodies of eight of the victims were found in the old bank vault at Snowtown.(ABC News: Che Chorley)

Jamie Vlassakis admitted to four of the murders and provided crucial evidence to secure the convictions of his co-accused.

The now 44-year-old was also jailed for life, but will be eligible to apply for parole next year.

Posted , updated