With traffic set to increase as people travel over the summer holiday period, police around the country will be cracking down on dangerous driving behaviour.

For some states, that means double demerit points will apply for driving offences from tomorrow into the new year.  

But in some jurisdictions there’ll be no change to imposed traffic offences. 

What are double demerit points?

Demerit points are penalties applied to driver licences when motorists commit certain traffic offences.

Once a driver goes over a demerit point threshold, their licence is typically suspended. 

These thresholds vary according to which state or territory you live in.

Some jurisdictions multiply the demerit points by two during busy holiday periods in a bid to deter dangerous driving behaviour.

Find out below when or if double demerit points apply for your state or territory this summer:


Double demerit points apply for motorists in the ACT from Friday, December 22 until Monday, January 1, 2024.

Double demerits apply to all these offences:

  • speeding
  • seatbelt offences
  • riding without a helmet
  • mobile phone offences 

An additional demerit point also applies in the ACT during this period for all other traffic offences.

New South Wales

Double demerit points apply from tomorrow in New South Wales.

That means from Friday, December 22 to Monday January 1, 2024 NSW motorists will receive double demerit points for:

  • speeding
  • illegal use of mobile phones
  • not wearing a seatbelt
  • riding without a motorcycle helmet

Northern Territory

The NT does not have double demerit points apply. 


There are no changes to fines over the holiday period in Queensland as double demerit points apply all year round in the Sunshine State.

If you are wondering how that works exactly, it means in Queensland double demerit points apply for a second or any subsequent offences committed within one year of a previous offence.

The types of offence these double demerit points apply to are:

  • offences for speeding more than 20km/h over the speed limit
  • mobile phone offences
  • driver seatbelt offences
  • driver failing to ensure passengers under 16 are appropriately restrained
  • motorcycle helmet offences

This doesn’t just apply to committing the same offence twice in a 12 month period, but any two or more of the above offences within a year.

South Australia

South Australia does not have double demerit points apply at any point around the year.


Tasmania does not have double demerit points apply this summer holidays or at any point around the year.


Victoria is one of the Australian states that never has double demerits applied at any point year round. 

Western Australia

Double demerit points apply from tomorrow for motorists in Western Australia. 

From Friday, December 22 until Sunday, January 7, 2024 motorists can expect to receive double points for these offences:

  • speeding
  • drink or drug driving
  • failing to wear a seat belt and child restraint
  • running a red light
  • illegal use of a mobile phone while driving

As well as 14 points for these offences:

  • Drive a motor vehicle fitted with a device designed to evade detection by a speed camera
  • Drive a motor vehicle in a manner to evade detection by a speed camera

Posted , updated