City public primary schools have dominated the list of high-performing schools, according to analysis of NAPLAN data, as school results are released today. 

Key points:

  • NAPLAN 2023 results have been released for specific schools
  • This is the second time the test has been done online
  • Data on school funding, attendance and year 12 completion has also been released

The top 20 performing schools for each state and territory have been revealed as part of the release of individual school NAPLAN results and data on school attendance, funding and completion.

Students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sat the NAPLAN in March, to measure their performance in maths, reading, writing and comprehension.

It was the first time the test was assessed under new, tougher criteria which raised the minimum standard students were expected to meet.

National data from the test released in August, showed one-in-three students were falling behind in maths and literacy.

High-performing schools

The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has listed the best performing schools throughout Australia, taking into account socio-educational advantage, to give a more accurate picture of student performance.

ACARA creates the list by looking at which schools have continually achieved high NAPLAN results from 2021 to 2023, compared to others of similar backgrounds, excluding selective schools.

Of the schools, 106 are public, followed by 31 independent and 17 from the catholic sector.

Socio-educational advantage is calculated by taking into account:

  • Parents’ jobs (not their actual income)
  • Their highest level of education 
  • Where the school is 
  • Whether students are Indigenous

Across all sectors, those located in urban areas were more likely to appear on the list, with 101 of the 154 schools located in major cities.

Schools were assessed taking into account socio-economic advantage.(Image: ABC News (Claudia Long) / Canva )

In terms of regional schools, 36 made the list, along with 13 in inner-regional areas. Just two remote schools and two “very remote” schools were included.

Of the highest-performing public schools, 69 were primary schools and 27 were secondary schools, all based in cities.

National NAPLAN results were released in August, and found one-in-three school students were not meeting numeracy and literacy expectations.

ACARA CEO Stephen Gniel said the school results were an important part of the picture for parents and prospective students when looking at schools.

“It’s also really important to remember that this is one source of information about each school and it is the authoritative and reliable source,” Mr Gniel said. 

“However, we all know that combining this with a visit to a school and hearing directly from the principal, parents and students provides invaluable information about each and every school.”

ACARA acting CEO Stephen Gniel(Supplied: ACARA)

Attendance on the rise

Students are going to more classes than in recent years, with school attendance up.

On average, students attended 88.6 per cent of their classes, up from 86.5 per cent in 2022.

But that’s still lower than the 2021 rate of 90.9 per cent, with attendance dropping since the 2014 peak of 92.7 per cent.

NAPLAN measures how students perform in maths, reading, spelling and comprehension in years 3, 5, 7 and 9.(Image: ABC News (Claudia Long) / Canva )

In 2023, 61.6 per cent of students attended more than 90 per cent of their classes, an 11.7 per cent jump from 49.9 in 2022.

Posted , updated