Seven out of eight men charged over the ambush killing of an innocent man in an Adelaide workshop more than a decade ago have been found guilty of murder.

Key points:

  • Jason De Ieso was shot dead in his workshop in 2012
  • A jury has found seven out of eight men guilty of his murder after a long-running trial
  • The jury was unable to reach a verdict for one of the accused men

Police and prosecutors argued Jason De Ieso was the accidental victim of a feud between rival bikie gangs.

After more than five days of deliberations, the jury found seven of the accused guilty, including Musa Alzuain, the man prosecutors claimed fired the fatal shot at a workshop in Pooraka, in Adelaide’s northern suburbs, in 2012.

His brothers Husain and Mohamed Alzuain were also among a group of Hells Angels members and associates who tried to ambush a senior member of the Finks amid an “escalating feud” between the two bikie gangs.

Musa Alzuain was among the seven men found guilty of murder.(Supplied)

Their motive was retribution for an attack on the parents of the Alzuain brothers, but their intended target had left the workshop minutes earlier and Mr De Ieso fell victim instead.

Daniel Mark Jalleh, Ross William Montgomery, Kyle Lloyd Pryde and Nicholas Sianis were all found guilty of the murder as well.

The jury could not reach a verdict for Seywan Moradi. 

The defendants appeared emotionless as the jury foreperson announced each verdict.

Ross Montgomery muttered the words “this is wrong” when his verdict was announced and looked at his mother sitting in the first row of the courtroom and said “love you mum” when the court was adjourned. 

“Stay strong please, it is all good,” he said to her.

“I love you,” she said in response.

Ross Montgomery told his mother he loved her after he was found guilty of the murder. (ABC News: Ethan Rix)

A sister of the Alzuains who attended the trial continuously during the six months started yelling across the courtroom and walked up to the dock to speak with her brothers.

“I am done being quiet, I am done,” she said.

“I will tell everything, let me now.”

Musa, Husain and Mohamed Alzuain’s sister (left) yelled across the courtroom. (ABC News: Ethan Rix)

Justice Brian Martin became emotional as he thanked members of the jury for their cooperation during the long-standing trial.

“I don’t need to tell you anything by the size and complexity of this case,” he said. 

“Jurors like you have been educating me for the last 50 years … that’s why I’m getting old and soft I think. That includes that Snowtown jury.

“It’s been my privilege to watch and learn from you.

“You’ve more than earnt an order from me being exempt from doing any jury duty in the future.”

Victim’s family: ‘May you finally rest in peace’

Dino De Ieso held back tears as he spoke outside court on behalf of his brother’s family and friends following the verdict, thanking police and prosecutors for their “endless hours” of work to solve the case. 

“In respect to the accused where the jury was unable to reach a verdict, we hope the justice system continues to seek answers and prosecute those who are yet to be held to account,” he said. 

Dino De Ieso read an emotional statement on behalf of his family. (ABC News: Stephen Opie)

Mr De Ieso said his brother was an innocent man going about his business when his life was cut short by “a cowardly and despicable inhumane act”.

“Jason De Ieso, he was a son, he was a brother, a husband, a father-to-be, a friend to many who went to his workplace on 21st November 2012 and never returned home to loved ones,” he said. 

“Though none of the guilty have shown any remorse, may they one day know the actions they all undertook were uncalled for,” he said. 

“Yes, the events of the night before would be enough to make any family distraught but understand this, Jason was innocent and had absolutely nothing to do with any of the events mentioned in this trial nor was he a member of any outlawed motorcycle group.” 

“The scenes and events of that day have changed our lives and the lives of many, all of the staff that attended work that day have been left physically and mentally scarred. What they witnessed was unimaginable.” 

Jason De Ieso’s family outside court following the verdict.(ABC News: Stephen Opie)

He spoke about the pain his brother’s murder had caused his family. 

“The ordeal has been mentally and physically challenging as I am sure it has been for the families of the offenders. No family should need to endure so much grief, pain or loss,” Mr De Ieso said. 

“Jason you will always be in our hearts, always cherished, never forgotten, your infectious smile, humour, kindness and connection you had with all was unique. 

“May you finally now rest in peace.” 


The prosecution’s case relied heavily on a secret witness, who claimed he saw “piles of guns” being handed out at a house where Hells Angels were present.

Defence lawyers tried to argue the prosecution’s key witness changed his story to secure a police reward of up to half a million dollars.

CCTV footage was repeatedly played to the jury, showing a group of men arriving at the workshop.

The court was told the group, wearing hoods, opened fire while workers were sitting down for their lunch break.

But the trial heard Finks members had left the workshop minutes earlier and Mr De Ieso was accidentally targeted instead, with his shooting described as “point-blank”.

Jason De Ieso’s family thanked police and prosecutors for their work on the case. (ABC News: Lincoln Rothall)

None of the eight men gave evidence, instead relying on arguments by their lawyers that the prosecution could not prove beyond reasonable doubt that they were the men in the video.

The convicted men will be given mandatory life sentences. 

The jury was sequestered for the duration of its deliberations and tight security measures were put in place for the trial, with dozens of high-profile lawyers representing the accused.

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