“Labor will fix the ramping crisis” — in March 2022, those words were plastered on stobie poles across the state.

It was arguably the slogan that won SA’s 2022 election, but a year on from Labor’s landslide win, ramping is worse now than the day it took office.

“Delayed transfer of care” — as the health department calls it — hit 2,712 hours in March 2022 and kept going up.

It peaked at 3,838 in June before reducing to 3,036 last month.

Labor still has three years to turn it around before it faces voters again, and Premier Peter Malinauskas rejected the suggestion his party created a slogan that would come back to haunt him.

“It’s an important question, and the answer is no,” Mr Malinauskas told the ABC in an interview to mark 12 months since his election win.

Peter Malinauskas says his government is still committed to fulfilling the promises that contributed to Labor’s landslide election win. (ABC News: Tony Hill)

The Premier said his government was still fulfilling election promises; expanding hospitals and employing hundreds of health workers, a job that will take time.

“The majority of those resources we see starting to get in place towards the second half of next year, and that’s when we hope and anticipate to start to see some improvement,” Mr Malinauskas said.

He pointed out that SA did not start to get large numbers of COVID-19 cases until late in 2021 when its borders opened, a major factor in ramping rises in 2022.

Whatever Labor achieves, ramping will still be baked into the health system

Given the campaign slogan plastered across the state, a casual observer of the SA election might have believed Labor pledged to eliminate ramping – it did not.

There was nuance to what it was promising.

It said it would get ambulance response times back to the level they were at when Labor was last in government in 2018.

“It would be foolhardy to promise to eliminate ramping. That was what the former government was promising,” Mr Malinauskas said.

“What we promised was to get ramping back under control to the extent that ambulances start arriving on time again.”

Mr Malinauskas says he did not promise to eliminate ramping, but to get it back under control. (ABC News: Che Chorley )

A change in rhetoric — who’s to blame?

While in opposition, Labor sheeted home the blame for health system woes to the then-Liberal government; now Labor’s eyes have turned to Canberra.

“I think we underestimated the fact that primary health care in this country is collapsing. Medicare is in a state of crisis,” Mr Malinauskas said.

“When people can’t get to a GP, they get sicker, and when they get sicker, they end up in hospital.”

State Labor has vowed to keep the pressure on its colleagues in the Albanese government to address failures in primary care.

David Speirs sees himself as a “moderniser” of the SA Liberal Party.(ABC News: Brant Cumming)

But SA’s Liberal opposition has vowed to keep the public focused on Labor’s promises.

“I think one thing the Labor Party — and possibly many commentators — thought was that we would curl up into a little ball and not go near health again,” Opposition leader David Speirs told the ABC.

“We’ve got a relentless focus on health because Labor have really broken their central promise to the election.

“They said we will fix the ramping crisis. It’s 100 per cent greater now than what it was when we left office.”

Mr Speirs says his leadership will be defined by broadening the representation of the party. (ABC: Che Chorley)

A one-term government, one year back in opposition

After taking over the Liberal leadership from former premier Steven Marshall, David Speirs has a tough job.

“We were defeated badly; there’s no doubt about that. There’s no point sugarcoating the result in March 2022,” Mr Speirs said.

“My job has been to dust the party off and stand up and get on with things.”

The SA Liberal Party has long been famous for its infighting, and the new leader has already faced media reports that his position would be challenged.

Despite that report, no challenger emerged.

“I think if there was a poll done of my colleagues, I’d probably get more support today than … when I took the leadership with 80 per cent of the vote in April 2022,” Mr Speirs said.

At 38 years old, Mr Speirs sees himself as a moderniser of the party and lists some of his early achievements as ones that happened out of the public spotlight.

It is what he describes as “back-end” modernisation, changing the way the party communicates and updating the party’s constitution.

That includes constitutional amendments to acknowledge women exist — instead of just using male pronouns, they have added female pronouns as well.

Nicola Centofanti chairs the SA Liberal Party’s task force aimed at engaging more women. (ABC News: Brant Cumming)

The party’s lack of women has been an issue for Mr Speirs since he became leader.

He points out that more than half the members of SA’s upper house are women, but there are only two women in the lower house. 

A women’s task force designed to tackle the problem rejected adopting a similar quota system to Labor, instead setting targets.

“My leadership will be defined in broadening the representation of the party,” Mr Speirs said. 

“I’m willing to put my neck on the line on this. There has to be more women preselected.

“If we don’t have more, many more women candidates in key seats, both seats that we hold, perhaps with retiring members and target seats, in the 2026 election, I believe we’ll be judged harshly by the electorate and rightly so.”

The plan to build nuclear submarines in Adelaide to replace the Collins Class vessels is expected to create more than 8,000 jobs. (Commonwealth of Australia: Navy Imagery Unit)

Nuclear submarines bring hopes of an economic boost

The state government has rounded out its first year in office on a high, with the premier travelling to the UK, spruiking the jobs expected to flow from the plan to build nuclear submarines in SA.

Despite concerns from some quarters about long lead times, skills shortages, and the management of nuclear waste, Mr Malinauskas said the project would transform the state.

“It is the most transformational opportunity to increase our economic complexity,” he said.

“This is bigger than Perth’s Metronet, Snowy Hydro, massive infrastructure projects around the Bruce Highway in Queensland, all of these things combined, the Aukus deal eclipses them.”

Mr Malinauskas met with UK Minister for Defence Procurement Alex Chalk in Barrow-in-Furness last week. (ABC News: Andrew Greaves)

Mr Malinauskas said the next three years would not just be spent addressing ambulance ramping, he is continuing to roll out other election promises like the royal commission into universal preschool for three-year-olds or the government’s hydrogen jobs strategy.

But with the opposition keeping a close eye on the government’s ramping promise, getting those numbers down will be increasingly crucial as the next election approaches.