South Australia’s opposition plans to introduce legislation to state parliament to allow e-scooters and other personal electric transport devices on the state’s roads after the ABC revealed a user had been jailed for three days over Christmas.

Key points:

  • Only e-scooters allowed to be ridden in Adelaide are hired from two companies with permits
  • The state’s opposition plans to introduce legislation to allow privately-owned devices on roads
  • However, the government says it wants to do consult the public on the issue

Under the Liberals’ proposal, e-scooters and similar devices could operate on roads and “road-related areas” without registration or insurance or making users hold a licence or permit.

They would not be allowed to exceed 25 kilometres per hour.

Currently, the only e-scooters allowed to be ridden in South Australia are those hired from two companies with permits from local councils in the Adelaide CBD, some inner suburbs and the coastal strip.

Opposition leader David Speirs said that, under the current regime, people caught on the roads on their own e-scooters were being fined up to $2,000.

“We think that’s over the top, a waste of police resources,” he said.

“They need to be out there catching real criminals, not people who just want to save a little bit of money and doing the right thing by the environment when it comes to having e-scooters and personal mobility devices.”

Opposition leader David Speirs (left) and the party’s transport spokesman, Vincent Tarzia, chat to SAESK8 members.(ABC News)

Adelaide man Justin Coppock was arrested in Norwood on December 23 and spent three days at the City Watch House after riding his electric unicycle in a bike path while not wearing a helmet.

He was among a group of members of the South Australia Electric Skateboard, EUC and Onewheel Club (SAESK8) who turned up for Mr Speirs’s announcement of the proposed laws this afternoon.

Similar laws have been introduced in Queensland, the Australian Capital Territory, Western Australia and Tasmania.

Focus on ‘clean, green’ aspect

Mr Speirs likened the legislation planned to be introduced next month to environmental laws he passed while in government, rather than a law-and-order initiative.

“This is just part of that modernisation of our laws to enable our state to keep our state apace and keep that clean, green brand that I was so proud of when I was environment minister for four years,” he said.

A man rides a one-wheel device as part of a demonstration for the media.(ABC News)

Electric unicycle user Meryl Croser said it was “about time” the rules were updated. 

“South Australia is usually ahead of [the] times and we’ve been hanging back,” she said.

“During COVID, we could have all been safe and riding around and getting healthy.”

Police Minister Joe Szakacs said the government was already planning to review the laws around personal mobility devices.

“Consultation will be broad and the government is committed to engaging with not only stakeholders but [also] with users and the community at large,” he said.

“Broader consultation with stakeholders and the wider community will be complete this year.

“Unlike the Liberals, we’re committed to genuine engagement with the community and all users.”

E-scooters for hire on Hindley Street in Adelaide.(ABC News: Eugene Boisvert)

Hired e-scooters have been allowed on footpaths and shared paths in Adelaide since 2019 but cannot exceed 15 kph.

However, the devices are regularly sold in shops, despite only being allowed on private property.