Before a cool afternoon in mid-May last year, few people had heard of Ann Marie Smith.

Key points:

  • Ann Marie Smith died in April 2020 and her sole carer, Rosa Maione, pled guilty to her manslaughter this week
  • Ms Smith’s death led to swift changes in the disability sector
  • Disability advocates say more needs to be done

She had little in the way of family, and some of her neighbours in Adelaide’s well-to-do eastern suburbs had not seen her for years.

But when police held a media conference on the afternoon of May 15, 2020, Ann Marie Smith suddenly acquired a posthumous prominence that turned her into front-page news.

Ms Smith lived with cerebral palsy and at the time of her death was found to be suffering septic shock, multiple organ failure, severe pressure sores and malnutrition, among other things.

Before her death on April 6, 2020, police believe she spent up to a year confined to a cane chair inside her Kensington Park home for 24 hours a day.

The case shocked the public and resulted in swift changes within the disability sector, although some argue there is much more work to be done.

A card left on the doorstep of Ann Marie Smith’s house by a stranger.(

ABC News: Ben Nielsen


What happened in the aftermath?

Following Ms Smith’s death, her care provider Integrity Care SA was fined more than $12,000 for failing to report the death to the National Disability Insurance Scheme and later banned from operating.

Rosa Maione, Ms Smith’s sole NDIS-funded carer, was arrested last August and pleaded guilty to manslaughter on Wednesday.

Disability advocate and former MLC Kelly Vincent spoke to reporters on Wednesday following Maione’s guilty plea.

“Initially when I heard Rosa Maione had pled guilty today to the manslaughter of Anne Marie Smith I honestly found myself wishing that I was still religious so that I could believe she was going to burn in hell,” she said.

“As it is, we’ll have to hope that she just rots in prison.”

What changes were made?

Ms Smith’s death sparked numerous investigations and reviews, including by police, the state government and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

The NDIS Commission’s independent investigation led to 10 recommendations, including that vulnerable NDIS participants should have multiple carers.

Since then, legislation has been introduced to give the NDIS Commission greater powers to protect participants, and the Commission has made changes including introducing national worker screening and putting further conditions on personal care providers.

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability also took a strong interest in the case, holding a hearing in June that looked at what has been learnt since Ms Smith’s death to help protect other people with disability.

The death of disability care recipient Ann Marie Smith has led to changes in the sector.(

Supplied: SA Police


In South Australia, a state government task force was set up to examine gaps in oversight and safeguarding for people with disabilities.

All seven recommendations made by that task force have since been implemented, including a new statewide advocacy service.

What else needs to be done?

Ms Vincent, who co-chaired the state government’s task force, said more changes were needed.

“How is any disabled person in this state and in this country supposed to feel safe and respected and valued for their lives, for our lives, until we actually see the state and federal governments as well as the National Disability Insurance Agency seriously changing practices and valuing lives above profit?” she said.

Sam Paior is the founder and director of The Growing Space, an organisation delivering support coordination and training to NDIS participants and families, and is also a member of the NDIA’s Independent Advisory Council.

She said Ms Smith’s case has been “a real wake-up call for disability service providers and government agencies too”.

“I think every disability company scrambled to make sure none of their clients were slipping into this kind of tragic territory, and hopefully some of the processes that organisations put in place have stuck – with more regular face-to-face check-ins happening, at the very least,” she said.

Ms Paior said Ms Smith’s death “rightly horrified the nation” and made people “realise just how isolated some people with disability are”.

“Annie’s death has definitely triggered some positive changes, but the changes we really need to see aren’t happening,” she said.

Disability care recipient Ann Marie Smith died last year, sparking a criminal investigation by SA Police.(

Supplied: SA Police


“Those photos of Annie with her dogs show a time when she belonged – it looked online like she was part of an active dog club community, but it felt like when her dogs died, no one supported her to keep up that interest or get another pet.

“It’s an interest that would have gotten her out and about, being with people, developing relationships and friendships.

“Everyone wants to belong somewhere, but there are so many more barriers for people with disability or other differences – and they’re barriers that able-bodied people put in the way.

“We just have to do better.”